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RMMV Game Contest $300 + Prizes! All entries win!

Alright, let's pretend my friend is kinda dense. I, obviously, know what I'm doing because I'm cool but when my friend goes to the resources tab here, where should my friend upload it and should he tag it something special? Is there a place I, uh, he needs to be aware to put it in the Resources section? He's not seeing anything specific for this (or any other) contest.

And should it be exported just for Windows, or go ahead and do Win, Mac, Linux, and HTML just to cover the bases?


Staff member
Resource Team
Alright, let's pretend my friend is kinda dense. I, obviously, know what I'm doing because I'm cool but when my friend goes to the resources tab here, where should my friend upload it and should he tag it something special? Is there a place I, uh, he needs to be aware to put it in the Resources section? He's not seeing anything specific for this (or any other) contest.

And should it be exported just for Windows, or go ahead and do Win, Mac, Linux, and HTML just to cover the bases?
Your friend probably isn't the first person who's confused as I forgot to add that to the main topic.

In order for you, I mean... your friend to add it, just go to resources, and upload it under games with [Contest 4/2019] so that the judges are aware that it's for the contest :D Also, make it for windows. Anything else is alright, but most of the judges are on windows :D
Completed Games, or Demos? I know mine is nowhere near what one could reasonably call "Complete" (except maybe as Chapter I if you're being generous) but as a Demo or Proof of Concept, it's fine.

I have gone ahead and uploaded it, waiting for approval. I've tagged it as [Contest 2019]
Last edited:


Unfortunately I am going to have to drop out. Several things came up and I haven't been able to put as much effort into the game this last month as I had hoped.

Magus Gar Kan

Towns Guard
I have to also ask the question on whether or not we need the game to be complete or just a demo...

Due to a bout of illness, work committments and some other events coming up, I wasn't able to start work on this until the beginning of the month... I could have a functional end to end demo of the maps and a few fully coded events, but I'm not going to have the game I was hoping to have done and it's going to be nowhere close to the expected hour play through.

Is this still something I should try to make as done as I can and submit? Or would it be preferred I just bow out considering the nature of the contest?

I don't want it to look like I've just put up something to get a tileset... I would like to show off what I have but I don't know if it's allowed per contest rules.
Your friend probably isn't the first person who's confused as I forgot to add that to the main topic.

In order for you, I mean... your friend to add it, just go to resources, and upload it under games with [Contest 4/2019] so that the judges are aware that it's for the contest :D Also, make it for windows. Anything else is alright, but most of the judges are on windows :D
About the deadline,
Can you please specify which timezone we need to look into to know the exact time and day for the deadline?
I'm using Philippine Standard Time and it should be 9:30 in the evening by the time I sent this.
I'm going with a game that has been worked with in less than a total of a few day's work.
I mean, technically I spent two and a half months on it, but if we're doing individual hours.... I dunno, less than 40, maybe?

The upload I provided here is still in limbo, last I checked. Not sure what the status is there. I could never get it to upload at all on the other site (though that's likely all the scriptblocking I do). I've also got it over on itch for whatever that's worth.

edit Just rechecked, it's ?maybe? there now at , so I've got that going for me.

Given that I uploaded that on the.. 25th or 26th, I think? I'd upload as soon as possible to make sure you get in under the deadline.


Also I'll likely be submitting my work on the latter half of tomorrow that still is considered on time correct? Or should I submit what I have before 12 today
Where did you upload it?
I'm currently trying to reupload at Resources because the last attempt failed.
I don't know if it's my low post count (probably) or something else, but in rechecking, I uploaded on the 24th and was approved about three hours ago. So six days.

The file does show the correct date and time, though, so that should be easy to prove.

Dalton Sayre

Towns Guard
View attachment 7965

Salutations RMMVers! We have some exciting news to give you all! We're ravamping things, and what better way to do it by having a game development contest! On top of that we're giving away $100 in CASH prizes, and over $300 in prizes!

To enter simply comment below with your name, saying you will be participating, as well as the name of your team you will be using if you have one.


  • Everyone who enters will receive the Jungle Biome from @Starbird
  • Top 4th Place through 10th place will receive a random steam game!
  • 3rd Place will receive $15 Paypal + a game of their choice from a pre-defined list.
  • 2nd Place will receive $35 Paypal + two games of their choice from a pre-defined list.
  • 1st place will receive $50 Paypal + three games of their choice from a pre-defined list. As well as the following: The ability to work with the staff on finishing up the game, sponsorship, as well as promoting the sale of the game (If it meets Commercial guidelines) AS WELL as a personal interview from Indiexpo
  • Group Prizes for 10th - 1st differ. Everyone will get a game, 3rd - 1st will receive the same amount of gamesper person in the group.
The games list has over $2,000 worth of games on it, ranging from $1 games to $80 games. Trophies & badges will also be handed out to those who enter, and for 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place winners!

Date: From Today 2/7/2019 you will have until 5/1/2019 to complete your game.

Games MUST be started from scratch starting anywhere during the dates of 2/7/2019 - 5/1/2019. Any games found made before that, or after that will be automatically disqualified. If we find out it's done purposely you could be banned from future contests all together.

Length: The length of the game should be around 1 hour. Judges will spend 1 hour playing the game, anything after that will not be judged. This is to ensure that we're able to complete the judging in a timely manner.

Theme: The theme will be Jungle. Anything goes, as long as the majority of the game takes place in the jungle.

ALL content must either be yours directly, RMMV's default content, OR anything from the RESOURCE TAB

The game must be in compliance with's rules, as well as follow the TOS and Policies of RMMV (the program).

GROUPS are completely, allowed. And MUST be mentioned in this post with a tag of each user.

All members MUST be apart of the community!

There hast to be at least 20 participating people / teams in order for this to finish and prizes to be distributed. If there is less than that, the amount of prizes will go down significantly.

We will be judging games based off of the following:

Grammar, bugs, length, and overall polishness are some of the things we will be looking at for professionalism.

Story line, item interaction, minute details, combat are a few forms of gameplay we will be judging throughout the contest. This also includes Engagement, as well as Presentation. We're looking for how well your game looks, feels, and most importantly plays.

We're also looking at how much potential your game has. If we see that after only a few months your game has a lot of potential we will also be willing to work with you on helping to develop your game, as well as sponsor & promote it on our website, and social media.

After the contest:
Anyone who wishes to post their game on our website, as well as sell it if it is within our guidelines and has all commercial use items in it we will highly encourage. Those who place in the top of the games will also receive shout outs, and more! If there's enough potential we might even look at trying to add it on steam for you.

Go into the resources section, after that upload your game to the finished games section and have [Contest 4/2019] added to the end of the title. This way everyone will know the game was made for this contest :D

SPECIAL THANKS TO: View attachment 8093 for sponsoring with us! They've donated $20 to help the contest! Make sure to upload your game to their website by clicking their logo!
Use the tag #rpgmakermvco When uploading games to their website
Uploading now. I hope there's enough there, but I am determined to finish this one. I can't wait for some feedback. Hope it at least provides a chuckle or two.

Magus Gar Kan

Towns Guard
So... not sure where to put this:

If I need to link it somewhere else, I can. But this is as done as it's going to be.