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Reisen's Gallery


Hi. Since I'm not really an active dA user, I tend to forget updating my profile alot. So I'll probably keep track of my work here for you guys to see since I also don't know too much people in dA. It's pretty lonely out there. Criticism and feedback is welcome so feel free to comment on one of my works! :)

Character Art (Arranged according to recency)
Art for Bizarre Monkey. Had a good practice with the background. Warning: Large image

Graphic Design

Commission logo

Logo done for a community.

Logo for Bizarre Monkey.

I'll probably be updating this gallery from time to time especially the Graphic Design section. I also plan to create resource sets specifically for MV's character generator. Thought it would be very appealing to people who hasn't joined the community yet.

Thank you for viewing!
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Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Looking great :thumbsup:

However I have a question. The art Some art done for Bizarre Monkey. In the spoiler. Is it that a bathsuit?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I must've been staring at those logos in awe for... *looks at clock* far too long. :D
There's some serious potential and skill right there. Curious to see what else you come up with. ^_^

Bizarre Monkey

Looking great :thumbsup:

However I have a question. The art Some art done for Bizarre Monkey. In the spoiler. Is it that a bathsuit?
Are you talking about the girl in what is clearly a bikini or the girl who is in some weird corset-layered-dress thing whom is dark-skinned?

Edit: oh nevermind I'm an idiot. You mean the Soulcatcher with the yellow eyes. It's essentially a knee length dress.

These look very stunning, Bizzarre Monkey's stuff is sure spreaded a more in here ^.^
Xiie's the lead portrait and logo artist of the CCC currently, this isn't even close to all she's done.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Are you talking about the girl in what is clearly a bikini or the girl who is in some weird corset-layered-dress thing whom is dark-skinned?

Edit: oh nevermind I'm an idiot. You mean the Soulcatcher with the yellow eyes. It's essentially a knee length dress.
I was in fact refering the girl in the bikini suit indeed ^^"


Thank you guys :) You're all making me more excited for when I get my internet connection hooked up and my tablet running. I'll probably be able to draw stuff for our resources section~ Yaaay \o/ I added some more logos for you guys to see. If anyone needs a simple logo, I can whip it up for you. Since I don't think we have any workshop forums in here at all.


Yeah, most of my drawings usually lack details since I don't really have too much control over their design. Most of them are commissions. Thank you for the compliment. :) Coloring is my favorite part in drawing.


A lot of that is probably my fault. The characters Xiie is drawing when going from my references are typically very minimalist.

I think this one is pretty well detailed, though!
Hmm once again the coloring is very strong, just seems weird the detail is lacking since I would think coloring would take a lot of time to. The work is nice, I would just like to see a detailed non commission work.

Bizarre Monkey

Hmm once again the coloring is very strong, just seems weird the detail is lacking since I would think coloring would take a lot of time to. The work is nice, I would just like to see a detailed non commission work.
When Xiie is able to draw again, we're solving technical difficulties right now-- that may be a thing that happens, she has done some detailed character work for her own interest, but it's up to her if she shows that.

The coloring does take a long time, and the line work is a large part of that.

You'll likely see some very... interesting submissions coming over the next few months as Xiie slaves away making more portraits for PFC. We've been redesigning characters and giving them costumes that are way more detailed.


Hmm once again the coloring is very strong, just seems weird the detail is lacking since I would think coloring would take a lot of time to. The work is nice, I would just like to see a detailed non commission work.
My tablet's being an a-hole lately and won't cooperate. :( Fortunately, I'm getting a new one soon so I should be able to start drawing OCs of mine. I kind of regret not drawing them earlier because I was really busy with commissions. XC I'm glad someone's expecting to see more from me, it really cheers me up c: I'll make sure to make a fully colored OC soon to show you. Also, what exactly did you mean by my coloring is "very strong?" Is it the contrast or wrong usage of colors? :o

I'm actually having a little bit more of a trouble with linework rather than the coloring for some reason. xnx

Luckily, I found the old sketch of my characters from a collaboration game and also yet another commission piece for Bizarre Monkey. As far as I know, I think these were made around early 2014s if I'm not mistaken. Don't mind the weapons! I was totally focusing on the anatomy instead, lol. XD


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Saying your coloring is strong means that you do a very good job of it, which I totally agree with :D


The new art you posted looks good, almost there, but the main problem can be seen with the dark skinned girl with wings, the body has detail yet the feet lack it and it stands out.

I know what you mean about tablets to, mine is not as responsive as it used to be which sucks when you consider how much those dam things cost!