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Ravani's Monsters

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Just a little something I think would be fun. I'll try to draw up a new monster every week, and I'll probably even run voting polls on which ones I will make available to use in commercial games! Let's see if I can keep up with this though.

What I plan to do is to draw a monster a week. This doesn't have to be completely colored in, but even a concept of a monster design will work. If a certain monster is requested the most by the end of the month, I will color it in and make it available for commercial games.

Here are a few just to get started. *Please note that the first 6 monster designs are from 2009 and are not used in any other RPG Maker projects. I am willing to re-create them and draw them digitally if they are requested.

Animators are like mimics, but instead, they can animate just about anything, which can make them dangerous adversaries. Nobody has actually seen their true form, and perhaps we'd like to keep it that way!

-Giant Sand Worm
Giant Sand Worms are the stuff of nightmares. Found in deserts and very "earthy" regions, they threaten anything or anyone that walks on the ground they hide under.

-Soul Trader
These spirits are not very good at knowing what a fair trade means. They have the capability of inflicting a death state on your heroes, or confusing them into doing their bidding.

Mystwings are one with the elements, and can cause instantaneous weather effects that will enhance their elemental damage as well as resist certain elements. They are the weathercallers of destruction!

Bundits are tiny critters, and although cute and fluffy, they can also be backstabbing and deceiving. They like to steal shiny objects, and are very good at it too! No eye can follow how fast these little thieves can steal thousands of gold.

-Tortured Soul
Perhaps a poor fellow has made contact with a Soul Trader. Nonetheless, these wicked Souls are extremely aggressive, and in order to retrieve their original souls, they need new souls to steal so they can trade for their old body back. They will go all or nothing.

-Bird Serpent (Levin Project)
Bird Serpents are just what they are. Large snakes with beaks, perfect for sneaking on prey and reaching inside holes that are too small for them to fit in. They reside in deep jungles and regions with plenty of vegetation and humidity.

Here are some Monsters that are near finished, but not best quality:

-Rocksaur (Levin Project)
The Rocksaur, much like the Giant Sand Worm, resides underground where if disturbed, will rise to the surface to exterminate its disturbance.

-Vespbat (Levin Project)
The Vespbat is an agile adversary. The bigger they are, the slower they become, but the bigger their wingspan, the harder their attacks, and more AOE skills they acquire.
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∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
They look awesome and they're so old? Wow(cool) really interesting what you came up with and inspiring. The sandworm is the creepiest in my opinion. They look nice I'm totally looking forward to seeing you doing this experiment (cheeky) It's a great way to be productive and to improve. I also like how you have a description for every monster~

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Thank you very much! I hope to see this thread get some love and some monsters wanted to be free to use for games. :) Perhaps even commissions would be fantastic! :D

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
Those are some pretty awesome designs! The Soul Trader sounds pretty interesting, yeah.
I like the sandworm and the rocksaur, they both look cool. And both go underground. lol

I also agree with @Cunechan, the fact that the monsters have descriptions makes them much more interesting :3
I'm looking forward to seeing more designs! One per week, you say?

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Those are some pretty awesome designs! The Soul Trader sounds pretty interesting, yeah.
I like the sandworm and the rocksaur, they both look cool. And both go underground. lol

I also agree with @Cunechan, the fact that the monsters have descriptions makes them much more interesting :3
I'm looking forward to seeing more designs! One per week, you say?
At least one per week, If I am feeling up to it and work and school hasn't drained me out, I might draw up some more concepts.
Only problem with using these as battlers is that I don't have the sprites for them, and I am no sprite artist. So if a monster is nominated, I might have to get a hold of Amy and donate a little something for the efforts. :)


Holy crap o.O I hold no candle against your drawing skills. I figured it would be be nice to see, what kind of drawing I'll get from you for the spriting of your character and to be honest, I've seen a lot of people overestimating their skills over time, but damn... You are one of a kind! The amount of detail you even put into a concept art is amazing! Maybe, if you find the time, you could go over to my information-section and give me some feedback on the "art" I've uploaded there? It would be nice to get some feedback from someone who is clearly better than I am (cat)

Btw: Could it be, that the Vespbat was anyhow inspired by Zubat? :D

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Holy crap o.O I hold no candle against your drawing skills. I figured it would be be nice to see, what kind of drawing I'll get from you for the spriting of your character and to be honest, I've seen a lot of people overestimating their skills over time, but damn... You are one of a kind! The amount of detail you even put into a concept art is amazing! Maybe, if you find the time, you could go over to my information-section and give me some feedback on the "art" I've uploaded there? It would be nice to get some feedback from someone who is clearly better than I am (cat)

Btw: Could it be, that the Vespbat was anyhow inspired by Zubat? :D
It was actually intended to have the same color scheme as the bats in the RTP have, since the enemies in my game are roaming, I didn't want the overworld sprite to be a different color than the bats. lol


It was actually intended to have the same color scheme as the bats in the RTP have, since the enemies in my game are roaming, I didn't want the overworld sprite to be a different color than the bats. lol
What a coincidence. But aside from the color, even the design looks like it was inspired from the pokémon Zubat :D Not that it is something bad mind you, it just made me smile and that's a rare thing to happen to me nowadays ^^

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Valgon Emerges!
Valgons are notorious for their ability to call on sudden rainstorms to spread their electrical attacks across the field. They are extremely dangerous and may inflict AOE paralyze on your heroes!

A preview of the final boss planned for the demo build. (WIP)
Hawk Queen (Levin Project)
The Hawk Queen is the hive mind unit that provides her soldiers with tasks and other specific instructions. She is equipped with thick spike armor and a tail that can penetrate even the heaviest of armor. She has a quick temper, boosting her attack and lowering her defense, so be quick to dish out your strongest attacks when the time is right.
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I love these concepts - and what interests me the most is the duality of the soul trader and the tortured soul, and how that might be worked into an RPG... where maybe your own party members could become tortured souls?

Love your work here