Companion Wulf
Lone Wolf
- Xy$
- -0.20
Companion Wulf submitted a new resource:
Randomize Title/Loading/Game Over Images Plugin (RMMV) - Randomize backgrounds on the Title and Game Over screens, and Loading... images.
Randomize Title/Loading/Game Over Images Plugin (RMMV) - Randomize backgrounds on the Title and Game Over screens, and Loading... images.
Read more about this resource...Name: Randomize Title/Loading/Game Over Images Plugin
Version: 1.0
Author: Companion Wulf
Release Versions:
1.0 (Public) - 25 June 2016
With the Randomize Title/Loading/Game Over Images plugin, each of the following can be randomized:
- Title screen
- Loading... screen
- Game Over Screen
This doesn't include the "Loading" part....