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Proof is in The Paper, How Much Paper Do You Use?


Staff member
I write a lot. I take notes on interviews and business meetings. I take notes at church. I even bring a legal pad or notebook when visiting my in-laws, and sometimes to my parents. When I see my diabetic educator, I bring a notebook. I love to document, something I had to do a lot of when in management positions. Sometimes I write only on one side of the page, and then when I get to the end of the composition, I go backwards and write on the opposite side of the page, going back towards the front. When we move, the main thing I make sure to not leave behind are my numerous compositions, notebooks, legal pads, three-ring binders, etc. I think I need to invest in some paper companies...


Staff member
A lot. Many of my plans are on paper - I just prefer the speed at which things can be done on paper compared to having it to be drawn on a computer.
I was not even counting all of the plans and drawings. Thanks for reminding me. Many of the articles that I put on this forum are handwritten before being typed into a word processor.


Towns Guard
I use paper as little as possible. I use quite a few tools to keep everything as tidy as I can, so I can access all my notes, ideas, thoughts, research, etc from anywhere. I've found that keeping stuff on paper just makes it hard to find stuff, because the ideas cannot be organized after having written them down (besides rewriting them somewhere...).

However, when it comes to drawing and designs, I do use paper. But the general idea is to transform that to the digital end result soon. Then the paper can be thrown out. This keeps the paper collection tidy as well (wink)

I like things organized, since my thoughts are hectic enough by themselves.
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm with JibstaMan on this one, I use as little paper as possible, I only use paper when I need my thoughts to be quickly put out and there is nothing quicker than paper, other than that I use OneNote or a word processor to keep most of my ideas, plans, random things, etc organized and with me wherever I am, most of the time the things on paper gets typed up rather quickly.


Staff member
I am also paper biased because I am a tactile learner. I learn some from typing, but I learn a lot more from writing things down. After, I write them down, I do not have to study as much. Many times, I do not look at what I wrote down again.


Towns Guard
Well, I guess I've trained my brain to be forgetful... In programming, there are so many subtleties, that knowing one language completely from memory seems just useless, since you're going to get in trouble when you switch to another language (or one of the many frameworks and libraries for that matter). I often have to google basic stuff, just to make sure I'm using the correct function with the correct parameters.

So, for me, it's more natural to have everything digitally. Typing is much faster as writing it down. I do agree that writing down makes it easier to remember. I did that in school and college, sure. But keeping track of all the nitty gritty details I come across when biting of a particular complicated issue... well, I keep a summary of what I already know and the remaining (sub)issues I need to figure out. When I come back the next day, I can read the summary to get up to speed again and continue relatively quickly. My brain just isn't as reliable when it comes to remembering stuff. And the web industry is just too big on details for me to remember even small portions of it. (wink)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Between notes for classes, to-do lists, and drawings, I use quite a lot of paper. My animation classes require drawing each frame out on paper before scanning it in to ink, so I'll end up going through packs of 500 pages like they're nothing. I like keeping lists, so I always have an army of little post-it notes at my desk, and I go through at least 3 large notebooks for class notes and assignments. Don't get me started on sketchbooks....

I'm sorry, trees. ; ~ ;


Dragon Goddess
I don't really use much paper anymore, I do pretty much everything digitally. I've been like that for a few years now, but before that I wrote in my notebooks ALL THE TIME, especially when I was in class lol. I had lots of notes, sure, but a huge portion of every one was full of stories, poems and random doodles/ideas for stuff

The only thing I really use paper for now is taking notes at work. I carry a mini notebook in my waist bag (fanny pack) and jot down important things like passwords, codes, how to do stuff, etc


The only time I ever really use paper is to sketch, take notes when I'm on a phone, and when I don't have a digital device available. Don't like writing, never did, because I make too many mistakes when I write and it's not easy to go back and edit like it is with a keyboard.

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
I don't really use paper often... Well, I admit - I feel like I don't use paper at all.
I've heard and read that I should note down things on paper, but it seems that I'm too lazy to even do that. Perhaps I don't want to remind myself that I need to do things. XD

Even though I draw, I don't use paper to draw. In fact, I don't think I can draw all that well on paper. I depend on the undo button. :P