Hey guys howdy. Since xxx week I begun to work on a small project known as Blue. This game will be dedicated to the ones who contributes on Rpg maker MV by releasing awesome pluggy and freebies. Basically I will be using materials which came up from the default pack including Kadokawa and other freebies which are currently available to be used for non commercial projects.
Making of:
The plugins that I am currently using on making that game ( subject to change ) are from the great Shaz "More Character Frames" because I will be needing 4 frames. With some research I came across Galv's Scripts which will be very useful for me in terms of animated events making ( idk about you guys but Galv's script are very important for me ) and Yanfly YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies, I don't like tbbs at all but Yan did a fantabulous job to make the battle system less boring this plugging is a must have.
The story might tell us a little about dragons that is if I get enough time to draw a dragon as asset and add it in the game. It will be a fantasy world with no random encounters ( gosh reminds me of "Beyond the Beyond" a fantastic game which I had to give up because of the random encounters. ) There will be enemies to fight with of coarse, but they wont be generated randomly.
Lets talk a bit about the main hero and the works I did so far.
Since I will be using GALV_CharacterAnimations/Frames/GALV_DiagonalMovement I had to draw the character in isometric.
While Editing the hero to fit the diagonal movement it would give me something like this:

:( we really don't want to use this but this is by far the fastest way to edit your srpite in isometric (note: isometric also known 8d for some or hexagonal orthographic sprites or diagonal sprites :L meh i call it isometric which is turning the sprite into 3d or close enough ). As you may notice the image resolution has been deformed and the pixel is not so neat. There are other methods to get this done right but usually it wont come up better as the one described below.
Systematically if we want better results we have to draw it manually from scratch which is pixel by pixel and it is very time consuming but you will come up to something like this:

personally that's a lot better. Our hero Blue has been created.
Difficulties I came across by making the game so far.
Okay , since story making is my main feature, I dont have any problem on making the story. That is it can be written within a month and polish in a week or two. I am a musician and music wont be the problem anyway, since the default pack provide some nice bgm, se and me that we can use for our game. As you can see I can also draw arts and pixel arts tho its not perfect because normally I do paintings on papers not digitally but I admit its easier digitally once you set things up right and have all materials needed. Thus its time consuming if I have to draw isometric sprites for every char in this project. Especially when it comes to customize sprites, I'll definitely prefer drawing new ones. Problem is the back view when you have to draw back right and back left. You only have one image to refer at which is the back of the character and it is hard to draw the 30 degrees elevation exactly as it supposed to be because you cannot refer to the side in imo its too flat. However to speed up the project I will probably draw only 4 characters in isometric including a super bad guy boss or I will drop this feature which is very bad for our real time event :( I will see what I can do.
When it comes to mapping , we want to see cliff and heights in the game. The default tiles are not in isometric grids on the map that said you have to add overlay on your map aka parallax mapping or add custom tiles. Also while creating maps I notice the default layers are marked as ground and top layer for example in the cliff below to avoid errors I had to separate the map into 4 parts. N S E W. I cannot make a direct path from south to go north etc ( let alone isometric which will give us 4 more parts N.E N.W S.E S.W ) you may notice the cliff is made from top layers only and there is no way of crossing it , climbing the stairs wont do neither. Its no big deal as we can make things fun this way, like if i wanna go north i have to create a special event which means more puzzle solving on the map :) the bad thing is; the stairs. The top layers weren't accessible with the stairs i don't know if i used the wrong tiles :? but when i used the ground layer it worked well, however the map will only display a flat layer and we don't want to see that. i need to figure a way to sort this out, where i wont need to draw map overlay , that will make it longer to complete the project. i haven't done map at all since MV has been updated to 1.1. I've been more into drawing sprites and face sets :/

If everything goes well i might be able to finish this game in about 5 to 6 months. Like i said its not going to be just a casual game although it will be a free game i will do it nice. it will be also a game to demonstrate how powerful this engine can be. you guys might think MV is a simple stuff but no, there is a lot to it. If by any chance anyone of you wants to contribute in the game, well the toughest part for me will be drawing the 8d sprites for the original characters. if you know anything about the 8D sprites of the original characters for Kadokawa non commercial project if they already exist somewhere please paste the link below or if you yourself are able to draw these sprites and wants to share then it will be a big help. ----> EDITED WONT BE NEEDED ANYMORE !
I will not be using Adol and his friends package since its a paying stuff it would be unfair to include them as there might be people who use them in commercial project IMO. I will use only the default materials and freebies. Oh wait did I say Adol you bet I did xD I mean Aldo.
Well see you next week , I did not post this on the blogs when I know I said I would but I figured this would be the right place to post this thread. I might create a blog next time if needed. Well see you later Mv gamers.
Hey guys howdy. Since xxx week I begun to work on a small project known as Blue. This game will be dedicated to the ones who contributes on Rpg maker MV by releasing awesome pluggy and freebies. Basically I will be using materials which came up from the default pack including Kadokawa and other freebies which are currently available to be used for non commercial projects.
Making of:
The plugins that I am currently using on making that game ( subject to change ) are from the great Shaz "More Character Frames" because I will be needing 4 frames. With some research I came across Galv's Scripts which will be very useful for me in terms of animated events making ( idk about you guys but Galv's script are very important for me ) and Yanfly YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies, I don't like tbbs at all but Yan did a fantabulous job to make the battle system less boring this plugging is a must have.
The story might tell us a little about dragons that is if I get enough time to draw a dragon as asset and add it in the game. It will be a fantasy world with no random encounters ( gosh reminds me of "Beyond the Beyond" a fantastic game which I had to give up because of the random encounters. ) There will be enemies to fight with of coarse, but they wont be generated randomly.
Lets talk a bit about the main hero and the works I did so far.
Since I will be using GALV_CharacterAnimations/Frames/GALV_DiagonalMovement I had to draw the character in isometric.
While Editing the hero to fit the diagonal movement it would give me something like this:

:( we really don't want to use this but this is by far the fastest way to edit your srpite in isometric (note: isometric also known 8d for some or hexagonal orthographic sprites or diagonal sprites :L meh i call it isometric which is turning the sprite into 3d or close enough ). As you may notice the image resolution has been deformed and the pixel is not so neat. There are other methods to get this done right but usually it wont come up better as the one described below.
Systematically if we want better results we have to draw it manually from scratch which is pixel by pixel and it is very time consuming but you will come up to something like this:

personally that's a lot better. Our hero Blue has been created.
Difficulties I came across by making the game so far.
Okay , since story making is my main feature, I dont have any problem on making the story. That is it can be written within a month and polish in a week or two. I am a musician and music wont be the problem anyway, since the default pack provide some nice bgm, se and me that we can use for our game. As you can see I can also draw arts and pixel arts tho its not perfect because normally I do paintings on papers not digitally but I admit its easier digitally once you set things up right and have all materials needed. Thus its time consuming if I have to draw isometric sprites for every char in this project. Especially when it comes to customize sprites, I'll definitely prefer drawing new ones. Problem is the back view when you have to draw back right and back left. You only have one image to refer at which is the back of the character and it is hard to draw the 30 degrees elevation exactly as it supposed to be because you cannot refer to the side in imo its too flat. However to speed up the project I will probably draw only 4 characters in isometric including a super bad guy boss or I will drop this feature which is very bad for our real time event :( I will see what I can do.
When it comes to mapping , we want to see cliff and heights in the game. The default tiles are not in isometric grids on the map that said you have to add overlay on your map aka parallax mapping or add custom tiles. Also while creating maps I notice the default layers are marked as ground and top layer for example in the cliff below to avoid errors I had to separate the map into 4 parts. N S E W. I cannot make a direct path from south to go north etc ( let alone isometric which will give us 4 more parts N.E N.W S.E S.W ) you may notice the cliff is made from top layers only and there is no way of crossing it , climbing the stairs wont do neither. Its no big deal as we can make things fun this way, like if i wanna go north i have to create a special event which means more puzzle solving on the map :) the bad thing is; the stairs. The top layers weren't accessible with the stairs i don't know if i used the wrong tiles :? but when i used the ground layer it worked well, however the map will only display a flat layer and we don't want to see that. i need to figure a way to sort this out, where i wont need to draw map overlay , that will make it longer to complete the project. i haven't done map at all since MV has been updated to 1.1. I've been more into drawing sprites and face sets :/

If everything goes well i might be able to finish this game in about 5 to 6 months. Like i said its not going to be just a casual game although it will be a free game i will do it nice. it will be also a game to demonstrate how powerful this engine can be. you guys might think MV is a simple stuff but no, there is a lot to it. If by any chance anyone of you wants to contribute in the game, well the toughest part for me will be drawing the 8d sprites for the original characters. if you know anything about the 8D sprites of the original characters for Kadokawa non commercial project if they already exist somewhere please paste the link below or if you yourself are able to draw these sprites and wants to share then it will be a big help. ----> EDITED WONT BE NEEDED ANYMORE !
I will not be using Adol and his friends package since its a paying stuff it would be unfair to include them as there might be people who use them in commercial project IMO. I will use only the default materials and freebies. Oh wait did I say Adol you bet I did xD I mean Aldo.
Well see you next week , I did not post this on the blogs when I know I said I would but I figured this would be the right place to post this thread. I might create a blog next time if needed. Well see you later Mv gamers.
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