Hi, I need a little help with something. I have a cooking and fishing system in my game and would like to make a factor in success in getting a fish/cooking something. It's just something that's not too important but would add a little bit to my game. What I need to know is how to (when initiating "yes" for fishing or cooking) make it so there's a custom probability of failure or success.
In doing this, I'd like to create and use a system where characters have "traits" that affect the outcome of doing these actions. For example, if "intelligence" or "creativity" and "luck" was a trait, like in say, castlevania games where you have intelligence, luck, constitution (?) etc., it would raise or lower the probability that you would say, catch a bigger or different fish (that was a custom item) or making a dish more nutritious (another custom item) that gave you better health/magic increase.
So, in addition, if you had a certain character in your party that had better levels of these traits, you'd get better items to use for healing yourself (or even increasing characters likability of you), since, I might not use potions as a main item in my game, only food.
I'd like to know how and what to do to accomplish this. I have a basic understanding of variables, but don't know if making probability a factor is possible.
In doing this, I'd like to create and use a system where characters have "traits" that affect the outcome of doing these actions. For example, if "intelligence" or "creativity" and "luck" was a trait, like in say, castlevania games where you have intelligence, luck, constitution (?) etc., it would raise or lower the probability that you would say, catch a bigger or different fish (that was a custom item) or making a dish more nutritious (another custom item) that gave you better health/magic increase.
So, in addition, if you had a certain character in your party that had better levels of these traits, you'd get better items to use for healing yourself (or even increasing characters likability of you), since, I might not use potions as a main item in my game, only food.
I'd like to know how and what to do to accomplish this. I have a basic understanding of variables, but don't know if making probability a factor is possible.