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prefixes for resources


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hi, just wanted to ask if we could remove the need of having to select a prefix for graphics in the resource section? It's kind of useless and could be easily mistaken for a plugin. Maybe we could get prefixes for exampla: mv, ace, etc. Since there's not only mv resources here. Or should this place "stay limited" to mv resources since it's a mv forum?
But having to either add mv 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 in front of a graphical resource is odd

And it feels weeeeird

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I never noticed this, you're right though it is a bit odd to have graphical resources require a version number, as all graphic resources should work for all MV versions unless of course, it's for VX Ace. I just started a staff PM about the resources, I'll be sure to bring this up once we all get to chatting, thanks for the feedback @Cunechan :D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Lol I didn't notice it either xD till I uploaded something. And it suddenly went like "please add prefix" and i was like "wtf". Thank you so much :D