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Pre-Setting Up New Game File Size Reduction Technique (Custom Imaged Games)


Staff member
Be careful when implementing this technique, and ALWAYS make copies of ORIGINAL folders and files.

First off, I love the MV Stripper Tool . It is awesome. I make custom games that use none of the graphics that come with MV's images found in the following folders: battlebacks1, battlebacks2, characters, enemies, faces, parallaxes, sv_actors, sv_enemies, titles1, and titles2. I have an older PC and just creating a new game, with all those unused assets puts a little strain, so I decided to just take all those unused images out.

1. NEVER EVER delete original content.
2. CREATE a new folder, on desktop. I named mine "RMMV Original Folders."
3. Go to Steam/steamapps/common/RPG Maker MV/New Data and double click on the img folder.
4. MOVE the desired folders, colored in blue above, to the "RMMV Original Folders", or whatever folder you named it. NOTE: Make sure to keep or copy the Vehicle.png image in the characters folder or the game will not start. If you like some of the folders mentioned above, keep them, and just move the ones that you will not be using the content of.
5. In the original img folder CREATE new folders for each folder moved. NAME the new folders after the name of each folder moved.

Now there will be less content when you make a new game.

And when you are ready to actually deploy, I recommend using the MV Stripper Tool pre-deployment.

NOTE: I am a teacher because others have taught me. For making the total game files reduced in size I would like to thank @LTN Games for sharing the MV Stripper with us, and @eivl for explaining to multiple members, including myself, that we do not have to keep the images that we do not want.
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I have a question about the stripper tool. Will it work on Mac's too? I love RPG maker MV cause it will work on my mac. Yay! But some of the files I try to download or use are not set up for them. I am a noob enough to not know what is or is not system related (that goes for plugins too)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Thanks for sharing this quick tutorial on saving space. It is a huge thing now with MV's release because of the way they did it, silly if you ask me. Either way, there are other things you can do to save space, for example dropping the bitrate of all your audio files, mainly BGM, I saved over 50mb by changing bitrate to 96 on all my bgms. Also when deploying to windows, you can delete all .m4a files after deployment. You may also use a File optimizer for your pictures, you can probably save close to 20-50mb. All in all, my 30-45 minute game is only at 300mb, and I have yet to optimize all images and remove unwanted assets, I believe it will drop below 250mb. Thanks again @MinisterJay


Staff member
Thanks a lot @LTN Games . Every reduction in Megs saved counts. I look forward to reducing those music files size. I watched the progress of a game that I am testing out for a friend, and almost half of the download time was on audio files. I was expecting it to be images, but it was audio.