Hello everyone, this section will be an archive of the greatest posts on RMMV of all times! @MinisterJay 's post was so golden that I had to create this thread. Everytime we see an amazing post (Super Helpful, heartwarming, extremely funny, etc. that isn't off topic) we will add it here.
To start things off, here is the post that started this thread:
To start things off, here is the post that started this thread:
Original Post: http://rpgmakermv.co/threads/the-lingkod-campaign-ministerjay.2220/page-3Without using spoiler, to not hide my views on this, this is what I would do.What do you do if a member says they don't like dinosaurs?
1. I would send a PM, Skype Message, and all available methods of communication, and send to @Amysaurus the following message:
***URGENT*** There has been a case of blasphemy on our beloved forum. I am shaking in disbelief and even heart broken. MemberName5uX0r2 said they do not like dinosaurs. My hands are shaking while typing. I am doing everything in my control to not hit the BAN button. The tears are hitting my keyboard, and I fear short-circuiting. Please help me in my time of need. ***URGENT***
2. I would screenshot the blasphemous thread.
3. I would move the thread into the Super Super Secret They Think it is Deleted Archives of Shame.
4. I would try my hardest to not roll up into a ball and hug myself.
This hypothetical situation has upset me so much that Baby Don't Hurt me is thundering within my head.
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