This is taken from a thread on rmweb, and at the moment this is their possible solution to the dreadful MV lagging that occurs while using MV and while play testing.
Original Post
OK everyone. This topic is to help you all to fix your lag issues and as such, please read the following!Original Post
However, if nothing works, I'm afraid that you might need to buy a new PC or parts especially if they're made before 2009. (Especially PCs/GPUs build before 2009, see below)
Of course, if the driver can still be updated and it was made before 2009, it could still work. But no guarantees.
UI/Editor Lagging
If I see it right, MV uses QT with QtQuick, so no native components. I am not sure which graphics system is used since QT supports multiple but it could be also related to OpenGL, so if the graphics card or driver doesn’t support OpenGL it could result in lagging.
Game/Test-Play Lagging
MV uses NW.js for offline PC/Mac games and also for test-play. It uses PIXI.js which is based HTML5 Canvas/WebGL. So the same problem with OpenGL, if its not supported everything will be slow.
Except on some browsers like Firefox, Chrome, etc. since they are able to map the OpenGL calls to DirectX/Direct3D calls using ANGLE. That would explain if the web-demo works fast but the test-play not for some users.
NW.js also supports that since it based on Chromium, but sometimes its not working, for example if the DirectX 9.0.c Redistributable is not there or if some DLLs are missing.
But there is an additional problem, because Canvas/WebGL doesn’t support some GPUs/Drivers because they are on the GPU black-list to avoid crashes, etc. You have to keep in mind that HTML5 is actually a Web-Technology, so stability & security is very important.
You should try the following steps.
1. Check that your graphics card supports OpenGL.
2. Go the website of your graphics card manufacture (NVIDIA, AMD, etc.) and download & install the latest driver for your graphics card. Make that the driver supports OpenGL.
3. If the games are still not running fast after these two steps, you should try to edit the package.json and add the following line:
"main": "www/index.html",
"js-flags": "--expose-gc",
"chromium-args": "--ignore-gpu-blacklist",
"window": {
"title": "",
"toolbar": true,
"width": 816,
"height": 624,
"icon": "www/icon/icon.png"
The package.js can be found in the installation directory of MV:
On Mac its in:
/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/RPG Maker MV/RPG Maker
On Windows:
4. If that is not working or if the game crashes, try install DirectX 9.0c Redistributable package:
5. Make sure your laptop is set to High Performance!
Remember to restart RPG Maker MV after!
6. If all these steps are not working, please let us know and check this information from WebGL Wiki:
• On all versions of Windows, WebGL is disabled on all graphics drivers older than January 1, 2009.
• Additionally, on Windows XP, WebGL is disabled on ATI/AMD drivers older than version 10.6, on NVIDIA drivers older than version 257.21, and on Intel drivers older than version
• WebGL is disabled on NVIDIA driver on Windows XP.
• WebGL is always disabled on ATI FireNV 2400.
• WebGL is disabled on Parallels drivers older than 7.
• WebGL is always disabled on S3 Trio cards.
• On Mac OS X, WebGL is disabled on:
• ATI Radeon X1900
• NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT
• Additionally, when an external monitor is plugged in to a Mac OS X laptop, multisampling is disabled because of rendering corruption bugs (
Source: https://www.khronos....tsAndWhitelists