1. what is new equivalent to vxa Viewport? is it Stage?
2. to move the whole stagt(child sprites included) i gotta execute ( PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.updateTransform.call(stage); ) to update it like:
3. i want to place 5 groups of 7 sprites on a stage. is it silly to have a stage with 5 child stages with 7 child sprites each? thats what i did and when i move the parent most stage the others stay behind. if i tell each child stage to updateTransform they all move too far as if *"propagation?* is happening. if anyone knows how to do this better please explain, i'll be so very grateful.
2. to move the whole stagt(child sprites included) i gotta execute ( PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.updateTransform.call(stage); ) to update it like:
Example_Stage.prototype.moveRightBy = function (distance) {
this.x += distance;
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