Well... I kind of did, and I still don't know how I managed to do so either. I must admit, it's not that easy to remember by heart ^^"... I mean, can anyone type his name from memory?Code:Xyphien
I remember it now that I have typed it enough times lol.... I mean, can anyone type his name from memory?Code:Xyphien
Who would have guessed we'd know them today,
Clearly, quite dead in places they lay?
And yet, still inspiring anyway...
They're dinosaurs.
Look at their snouts! Look at their claws!
Look at their obviously killer jaws!
Were they still living, they'd murder us all...
They're dinosaurs.
How they all perished is a mystery.
Evidence still doesn't show.
Or maybe to maintain our own history,
What if we're not meant to know?
Grinning with malice, bulging with might,
Brute force and power to put up a fight,
No way their bark could be worse than their bite...
They're dinosaurs.
Some people love them while others do not.
Some think they're cool, and some think they're hot.
Challenge one, and give it all that you've got!
They're dinosaurs!
That's the most poetic speech a Dinosaur could ever dream!A friend of mine wrote me this in exchange for making a quick banner for him, and I was moving it to a notepad file XDCode:Who would have guessed we'd know them today, Clearly, quite dead in places they lay? And yet, still inspiring anyway... They're dinosaurs. Look at their snouts! Look at their claws! Look at their obviously killer jaws! Were they still living, they'd murder us all... They're dinosaurs. How they all perished is a mystery. Evidence still doesn't show. Or maybe to maintain our own history, What if we're not meant to know? Grinning with malice, bulging with might, Brute force and power to put up a fight, No way their bark could be worse than their bite... They're dinosaurs. Some people love them while others do not. Some think they're cool, and some think they're hot. Challenge one, and give it all that you've got! They're dinosaurs!
Amy, I will now proceed to write a song to use this poem as lyrics. You will be presented said song for Christmas and you will like it! :DA friend of mine wrote me this in exchange for making a quick banner for him, and I was moving it to a notepad file XDCode:Who would have guessed we'd know them today, Clearly, quite dead in places they lay? And yet, still inspiring anyway... They're dinosaurs. Look at their snouts! Look at their claws! Look at their obviously killer jaws! Were they still living, they'd murder us all... They're dinosaurs. How they all perished is a mystery. Evidence still doesn't show. Or maybe to maintain our own history, What if we're not meant to know? Grinning with malice, bulging with might, Brute force and power to put up a fight, No way their bark could be worse than their bite... They're dinosaurs. Some people love them while others do not. Some think they're cool, and some think they're hot. Challenge one, and give it all that you've got! They're dinosaurs!
Track description for "Hymn of the Fallen" I was using elsewhere. :PA very quickly made, tragic, hymn-like theme. Another one of those "melody stuck in my head that I want to get out and thus make it into a song" kinda tracks. :D
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angular.js:11607 TypeError: Cannot read property 'error' of null
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Lol renaming a bust picture for sock quest.SockFairy-1
[10/26/15, 1:35:20 AM] Amy: We could make… smoking simulator
[10/26/15, 1:35:27 AM] Amy: Have a character on a bench
[10/26/15, 1:35:33 AM] Amy: make them smoke
[10/26/15, 1:35:33 AM] Mitch: smoking
[10/26/15, 1:35:35 AM] Mitch: stimulator
[10/26/15, 1:35:37 AM] Amy: and then they slowly die
[10/26/15, 1:35:48 AM] Amy: and you get to see them turn all wrinkly and gross
[10/26/15, 1:35:54 AM] Amy: and there’s a lung meter
[10/26/15, 1:35:58 AM] Amy: and it slowly turns black
[10/26/15, 1:36:06 AM] Amy: and it starts raining lobsters
[10/26/15, 1:36:17 AM] Amy: and the world is flooded with whales
[10/26/15, 1:36:18 AM] Amy: I dunno
[10/26/15, 1:36:25 AM] Mitch: XD
[10/26/15, 1:36:48 AM] Amy: We could BS that it’s all artsy and shit
[10/26/15, 1:37:02 AM] Amy: the hipsters would love it
10/29: Byzantine Art I Terms:
@Kaimen: heh heh heh
- Constantinople
- Justinian
- gallery
- pendentive
- spoils
- central-plan church
- ambulatory
- barrel vault
- tesserae
- typology
- memorize
- try not to die
- fail
- cry
- professor pls
- why you do dis