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Party Manager 1.1a

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Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource:

Party Manager - Allows to change party members.

Name: Party Manager
Version: 1.0
Author: Mr. Trivel
Created: 2016-03-28

What does it do?
This plugin allows player to change their party and see which members are available to change into. It also allows to set a specific party member amount or specific party members to be used.


How to use?
Set up plugin parameters if needed and use the following plugin parameters:

PartyManager Open - Opens Party...
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Praised Adventurer
Are you reading my developer notes o.o You keep making the plugins for things we're looking for LOL. Very nice way of doing it. I was waiting for something like this to show up somewhere lol (I was gonna do it through eventing, but that could be pretty difficult heh with the amount we're gonna have. This will definitely lighten that load of eventing.) Keep up the awesome plugin making!

Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
That's because in your video Party Manager is opened first and only then MustUse was added. Switch PartyManager Open and PartyManager MustUse 1 places and it'll work.

P.S. Grab the newest version to not have disappearing actors.