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Opinions, Bugs, Changes, etc. New theme!


Dragon Goddess
I do not like this new theme at all. it seems that there is no option to hide the individual panels on the left side anymore? (new posts, vip online, staff online, etc) ?

-Dislike the font
-Everything seems much smaller than before
-Difficult to describe, but I feel like everything kind of just... disappears in the sea of blackness

EDIT: Yay, the old Dark theme is still here. Thank you Xyph (heart)
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Staff member
I have been going back and forth, today, between the new one and the old dark theme.

After hours of testing I find the new one easier to navigate.
It is easier for me too see which forums I have new content to read through. The position of the NEW button is advantageous and easier for me to see.
I can see the little red dot, on the top left corner of a members avatar showing they are online.
I LOVE choosing the different background options.
There are pluses of not seeing the Level number of the member.
UPDATE: I love the RSS following the thread link instead of being before.
UPDATE: I love the way that the Review Stars appear shinier.

I like the green color for the COMPLETED MV Support Banners, but have a challenge reading the wording. I know what the word is now though.
Below the member's avatar, it shows only true LIKES obtained and not the different types totals.
UPDATE: For a BEST ANSWER banner, in MV Support, the text color is very close to the banner color.

Overall I love it. This is coming from a person who voted against changing the forum's format. You went with the popular vote, and now I back your decision for following with what they wanted.
[doublepost=1454392811,1454280123][/doublepost]I am posting this intentionally as a forced merge. The SPONSOR tab that links to on the Game Zone Style is missing. It is still available in the Dark Style. I got the link initially from using @Xyphien 's signature links.


Staff member
Resource Team
Okay so I have a few more things I've noticed, some good some not so good.

Contrast between read and unread posts is way more noticeable
this is actually great, I can now clearly see what topics are unread and what topics have been read.

All locked posts or watched threads, are very easy to notice now with the new red icons, awesome.
I'm loving this, the old theme I had a hard time seeing what post was locked and what posts were being watched, now it's clearer than ever.

The best answer posts looks terrible, it's all white around the best answer post.
RM Skill is not visible.

And last but not least, the members tabs in the sidebar are only filling 2 positions not 3, and leaves a big gap.
That is all I got for now, overall though I'm loving it.
I have fixed all but the last one. I am looking into this now.

I don't like the new theme (so far) at all, which includes:

1. Lay out bug ( this is my biggest gripe!
2 The new font- purely opinionated here, but I don't like it. Isn't easy on my eyes like the other one was.
3. The red light by the Alerts area is gone, I miss it!
4. The envelope icon for Inbox is gone, I miss it!
5. The Discussions and Messages boxes. They are too large and seem unnecessary for their simple purpose.
6. My smaller avatar at the left side on the front page, why is it smaller? :(

If you need more feedback, I'm going to need to see the old layout so I can do a side by side comparison. I need to look at it if you want specifics on why I like it (the old one) better.

Will be glad when the old layout is back in with the ability to switch back, I miss it greatly. :(
1. Has been fixed.
2. I'm unsure if I'll change this or not, sorry. (Unless enough people have a problem then I won't look into it) I am looking into it though!
3. I'll look into changing this.
4. These are easy fixes I can add back soon enough.
5. I'm not entirely sure what you are referring too.
6. I'm looking into this.

I noticed some small ugliness with hovering over links:
I'm working on this currently :)

There are a few weird looking things which are also already mentioned partly but this one here is on the mobile (also why i put links and no images)

I agree with @Macro miss a few things especially that red alert thingie. But the new theme is pretty, isn't it? Just a bit cunfused. Me being confused. Confusing ahhhh.

And in the web version this one bg with mostly grey made this one sentence right next to the banner unreadable since its also grey.

It's all a bit buggy but that's okay XD the site looks like a rmmv app lol
I'm looking into all of these as well.

I just noticed there's a background on Xiffy's banner, but not mine. Weird.
You need to click on the background icon in the top right (I've showed a picture in three threads that include the new theme in it if you want to get a visual)

There's something weird going on with the Badge page.

Also, the account setup info on the sidebar is glitchy.
If you look, you'll also notice that it pushed my mood chooser button behind the important threads.
1. I contacted the plugin dev to see what could have caused this.
2. I'm looking into this.

EDIT: Just to say, if anyone's wondering "why" something is like it is (eg weird white and shadowed underlines on the hovers) they will be fixed, as they do not fit the design aesthetic! These are graphical errors - not how the theme is meant to look!
About 99.9% of the things people hate on the forums are errors, and messed up things I didn't notice when adding the theme.

The "X" close button on status updates cover about 1 letter if your status update is long enough.

The status updates/profile post "show more" button (yknow, the 3 dots) are also no longer red, I feel like they'd be more noticeable if they were.

On another note, I would like to see somewhere on the status updates how many comments that status has, because I don't know unless I click the show more button (or comment and get notifications on it). I kinda like seeing if someone commented on someone's post but just as an observer. XD But that might be a separate topic.
1. I'm looking into fixing this.
2. I don't know if I'll be able to change this, however I will ask around the XenForo community.

I do not like this new theme at all. it seems that there is no option to hide the individual panels on the left side anymore? (new posts, vip online, staff online, etc) ?

-Dislike the font
-Everything seems much smaller than before
-Difficult to describe, but I feel like everything kind of just... disappears in the sea of blackness

EDIT: Yay, the old Dark theme is still here. Thank you Xyph (heart)
I'm trying to look into fixing this, however I am currently stuck on this.

I'm unsure if I will be updating the old theme, so eventually it could go down.

I like the green color for the COMPLETED MV Support Banners, but have a challenge reading the wording. I know what the word is now though.
Below the member's avatar, it shows only true LIKES obtained and not the different types totals.
UPDATE: For a BEST ANSWER banner, in MV Support, the text color is very close to the banner color.
Everything on this should be fixed :)

The SPONSOR tab that links to on the Game Zone Style is missing. It is still available in the Dark Style. I got the link initially from using @Xyphien 's signature links.
This has been fixed as well


Towns Guard
There's something weird going on with the Badge page.
I contacted the plugin dev to see what could have caused this.
Not sure you noticed, but some descriptions are too long and have a line-break. Some fit in one line. This results in different heights between the different badge category "blocks". The site layout has them "float: left", but since there's a height difference, they fit in the small gap to the right, before they fit underneath the left-most block of the previous row. Example: note how the third item in @Akod's screenshot has a lower height, which the fourth block fills.

Notice that in the dark theme, ALL descriptions have a line-break, meaning all the heights are equal, giving no problems with the layout.

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
I don't like the new theme (so far) at all, which includes:
5. The Discussions and Messages boxes. They are too large and seem unnecessary for their simple purpose.
5. I'm not entirely sure what you are referring too.
I believe Macro was referring to these boxes beside the sub-forum names/latest post:

Boxes too large for a simple stat not often checked by usual people.

Anyhow, I'm glad to see a lot of the problems fixed! Go go Xyphien! :D
On another note, I seem to have gotten used to the new font. XD

Bizarre Monkey

The font was an atrocity, but it seems to be fixed. Someone mentioned there was an error with wiki pages having dark grey text, but I haven't been able to investigate due to timing out to see if that's still around.


Staff member
I do not know if this occurring with others, but when I log off and log back in again, the previous background is gone, and I have select it or another again.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I do not know if this occurring with others, but when I log off and log back in again, the previous background is gone, and I have select it or another again.
Just don't log out (wink) Haha yea, it's happening to me as well, sounds like a cache type of issue with the theme. I'm loving the theme more now though, with those little fixes you already completed really makes it that much better. I'm excited to see the rest of the bugs ironed out because it will definitely be my long-term them.


Praised Adventurer
Every page on the wiki is stuck in an infinite redirect loop, causing page timeouts. Tested this on several web browsers.


LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The comment box for blog posts are all white, I find this an eye sore and obviously does not match the theme at all. Screenshot below so you know what I mean.


Staff member
Resource Team
Fix submitted.

@Xyphien on @Akod

Bada bing, Bada boom!

Every page on the wiki is stuck in an infinite redirect loop, causing page timeouts. Tested this on several web browsers.

I'm currently looking into this right now! Re-installing the plugin, keeping all old folders, and adding ones that might have been installed incorrectly to see if that fixes the issues.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hey I think I found another bug, a blurry profile picture on the sidebar.
Also, thanks for all the fixes, the theme is looking fantastic now, I'm never going to switch from it.
@LTN: That's weird, I haven't changed anything since yesterday afternoon - I'll check quickly if anything I've done could've caused it, but I doubt it. I swear it wasn't blurry before either...