Indie Dev

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Oi! - [introduction]


Hello, guys! My nick is JROKS, my name is Julian.

You know, i'm about 27 now, and I love RPG Maker since the first day I saw it.
It was in a music contest, in my little hometown. I was just a little kid, Windows 2000 back then was everything everyone wished for Christmas but I was just having some fun. I always liked comics, a lot, and thats why I stepped into a bookstore.

Everything started there. Seriously, I can remember even the salesman clothes.
I was looking for nothing in particular when I saw it: A ordinary gaming magazine, these kind of magazines with a cd filled with games, and the title was something like MAKE YOUR OWN RPG.
Yeah, it was love at the first view. Since then, i've NEVER been able to finish a project.
A lot happened. When I was a kid, I simple gave up. Things got too complicated. When RMXP came out, I started again another project. I was older, with much more understanding about everything. But once again, programming is just not for me.
But even so, I do love making games. I cant code, I barely cant draw, I can do some music and I think I can tell a story.
Maybe I'll never make the greatest games of them all, but I definitely wanna spread my vision to the world, to whoever are interested on it. Thank you very much!

(English is not my native language. Probably there will be some grammar errors, and I thank you for your patience)


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @Julien! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)