I dealt with being bullied for a while after moving to a new city, so this kind of hit home. >_>
Basically I had to ride a bus to school and back every day, and the girls on the bus decided to pick on me for fun. Some days it was mild verbal harassment, other days they would be trying to take pictures or videos of me for fun, others it would be hair pulling/pinching/that sort of thing. Having that happen as I was coming and going from school each day pretty much made me dread going to school, but I never told anybody what was going on, and no one there offered to help. (At the time the thought of my mom making a scene about it was more terrifying than dealing with the bullying somehow.)
By the time I got into high school I had attained the wondrous ability to not put up with their shit, so after a few choice words they decided it was best to leave me alone. Ever since then I’d always tried keeping an eye out for kids that were being bullied in any classes I went to or tutored, because I don't want to see anyone going through that alone.
Tl;dr: Girls are little monsters.