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Non-violent Fights/ Word-Duels


Hello fellow RMMV-Fans!

As you may know, I´m quiete new to rpg maker and I´ve one big question: My game is aiming at children at the age of 10 (for school).
Now I would really like to implement a fighting system: My main charakter can use a stick against wild animals he encounters (it´s game about Abraham, fighting animals will lead to a small intervention/backbonding to Noah), but:
What I would really like to do are some kind of bossfights after every chapter - but using correct answers as the
weapon! Pretty much like the old word-dueling you had to do in Monkey Island.
E.g: The enemy will ask a simple question and will suffer damage, when the player gives the correct answer.
I´ve found something similiar in the game "Learn Japanese to survive", only that I would use NPCs for the sideview battle. You can see these fights here:
(around the 09:21 mark). Would this be easy to make (I didn´t get to the fighting tutorial in my book yet, but as my project is due to January, which includes 100pp extra work, I think asking about the possibility first would be wise).
So, does anybody know a good tutorial showing how to do this? Or are there people willing to help (for free or commercial, likewise).
Thank you very much in advance!




Staff member
I have used mathematical battlers before. Yes, I do mean the actual answers to mathematical problems. Do you have it set up as a single question, that has four answers, and only one of them is correct? Did you make it where the enemies have slower reaction times than the characters? RPG Maker has different options for question/answer battles.
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Praised Adventurer
@Gudetama ...

Interesting concept; I'll do a test version to see how I could have this as a 'combat' option myself. I don't use Plug-ins if I can help it, so I'll see bout using Battle Events and Common Events first. I've a first notion which I'll explore later on this evening; a bit complex, but 'do-able', I'm sure. I'm inventing a new Weapon, with a 'Book' icône, which uses a new Skill, called Replies, which in turn calls upon a Common Event called Repl. This will, once I've looked a bit closer, determine which Question has been asked by the Enemy (I've yet to determine this, but another Common Event used by the Enemies turn in a Battle Event should be possible...). Once the Question has been identified, it's only a question of conditional branches to provoke a Choice for the Hero of which Reply (from a choice of 5 or 6..?) to use. Detect the fitness of the Reply to the Question and react accordingly (change the Damage Formula, or set up Variables to be used by a Formula..?), and continue...
Just a sketch for now; I'll see if I can get it to work, at least in principle, later on. Meanwhile, others may have more 'ready-to-use' solutions, or other avenues to explore.
To be continued...

Well, I certainly got the general idea working, although there's a bit of tidying up to do, depending on exact needs. In giving the Enemy a Skill called 'Question', and forcing him to use it on each Turn, a Common Event is called, which chooses a random Question, then calls for a choice of Replies relative to that Question (a simple Conditional on the Question N°...). The Player chooses the response, and an adequate treatment can be applied. I've not delved into the possibilities of such a treatment, but that, too, is a matter for the exact application. It works, anyway, with just a couple of Common Events tied to a Skill. Hmm... This could be useful in many circumstances, I'd say...
I've not worked out (or not yet bothered, to be honest...) how to get the Enemy to pose the question first; in the Battles I tested, the Hero strikes first. I suppose it's possible to alter that somehow, though...
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Thank you for the replies!
@ MinisterJay: Yes, something like that. I managed to create an event, in which NPCs can ask questions, and the answer has to be typed in. But it doesn´t have any consequences, like causing damage. This would be nice, as I have Sarai accompanying Abram on his quest, providing exegetic facts to several quests and hints (I´m trying to include some discourses of the feminist theology) as well as the power to heal Abram after his word-fights.
That does sound interesting! As stated before, I´ve managed to create some events, using switches and variables (like herding sheep and cows, collecting animal and searching for stuff), but didn´t do anything with the battling systems. I have the "Beginning RPG Maker MV" and will look at the corresponding chapter, unfortunatley I can only work at the game from 3pm to midnight, because of my other job.
If you find out how to do it, that would be just great! Of course, if you really want to put some effort into it, I´ll more than gladly compensate you for it (I don´t want to sound like a beggar or just sucking in any infos without rewarding - but bc this is my master thesis and time is very limited, I have to learn this program fast).




Staff member
Thank you for the replies!
@ MinisterJay: Yes, something like that. I managed to create an event, in which NPCs can ask questions, and the answer has to be typed in. But it doesn´t have any consequences, like causing damage. This would be nice, as I have Sarai accompanying Abram on his quest, providing exegetic facts to several quests and hints (I´m trying to include some discourses of the feminist theology) as well as the power to heal Abram after his word-fights.
That does sound interesting! As stated before, I´ve managed to create some events, using switches and variables (like herding sheep and cows, collecting animal and searching for stuff), but didn´t do anything with the battling systems. I have the "Beginning RPG Maker MV" and will look at the corresponding chapter, unfortunatley I can only work at the game from 3pm to midnight, because of my other job.
If you find out how to do it, that would be just great! Of course, if you really want to put some effort into it, I´ll more than gladly compensate you for it (I don´t want to sound like a beggar or just sucking in any infos without rewarding - but bc this is my master thesis and time is very limited, I have to learn this program fast).


I often have conditioning branches that have two different consequences, BOTH leading to the same battle. If the answer is correct, I have it where the battler/battlers are easily defeated. If the answer is incorrect, the battler/battler are super powered and cannot lose. Each of these battles, especially the one with the forced lost, needs to have a "can lose/be defeated option when doing the battling event.


Praised Adventurer
@Gudetama ...

I worked out ho to do a primitive 'Damage-No Damage' depending on a Switch, which in turn is 'On' if one answers correctly. At the next 'Fight', then, there is either no damage to the Enemy or, in the formula I created, enough to win the Battle. The formula could, of course, be modified to have a different balance.
It's easy enough for me to zip this Mini-Project and post it on my Google Drive, where you can download it and play around with it. It's simple enough (and quite small, as it's minimised with no BGM or such...). Any use to you..? As to fees of any sort: I'm now retired, and do what I do for my own pleasure and that of others. There's never any question of payment as far as I'm concerned. Just sayin'. Here's the link, anyway...

Word Battle Project, zipped (8.5 Mo...) ...


Hello Dad3353,
and thank you for all your effort! I´ll download it right away and have a look at it, thanks!! Hopefully I can already start working on it by tomorrow (I´m reading and watching tutorials about the battling system atm. and have to check my books, if I can find a good enemy for Abraham which I can connect either with the bible or with the reallife of the pupils).
I didn´t mean to offend you - I just don´t want to seem as a cheapskate, as I, due to my limited knowledge, can´t contribute to this forum or its members in any way.




Praised Adventurer
Everything is a contribution. No that's not a saying from Buddha, it's just that, in asking questions, folks are provoked into thinking about things and coming up with answers. This helps others, and adds to the general Knowledge swashing about on forums such as this. Nothing is useless; all is good (as long as a modicum of polite discours can be maintained...). That's one of the principal advantages of forums; there's a place and role for everyone, whatever their experience.


@Dad3353 I´been reading the lections given by my book, studying formulas etc. and finally had a chance to look at your program - I start understanding what it´s all about and your version really seems to do the trick! I´ll look deeper into this tomorrow, hopefully I´ll understand in detail how everything works, but I can´t thank you enough for your time and help!
@ Ministerjay: Yes, I was thinking about the abduction of Lot and creating a small event involving Abraham freeing him, but I canceled that. In germany, there are certain curricula, listing the abilities and knowledge which are expected from the pupils at the end of a year, and I focus on the motiv of Abrahams trust and peaceableness mostly (like letting Lot decide which part of land he wants to own in Gen 13 instead of fighting or his dealing with Melchisedek) and to show his personal flaws (like trading away Sarah twice because he falsly distrusts other cultures like the egyptians and keeping the wedding gifts or how he deels the whole situation surrounding Hagar).

Greetings and have a nice weekend!