Indie Dev

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New person, new greeting, yaddayaddayadda. You've all seen it before.


New person on the forum. Always thought RPG Maker games had something special and charming to them ever since I stumbled upon my brother's cache of emulator ROMs and a stockpile of old nintendo RPGs on his computer when I was younger. That feeling when you for the very first time discover games like FF, and something in your head just goes "*click*...this is what my heart's been yearning for".

Been messing around with VX Ace for some while, then changed to MV...'cause of a sale on Steam and nicer character generator. I do think MV still has a lot to catch up to when it comes to monster character sets and custom graphics, but at least it manages to inspire me. Also, thank the nine worlds for google. There's a lot of people out there that's actually making a difference by creating new MV resources. Heroes all of them!

I won't call myself a game maker, because I have yet to actually complete one, but I do have a dream. I thought maybe joining one of the obvious forums dedicated to the program would amount to one of those kicks in the ass that puts one on the right path.

So, anyhoo, this is me. Pleased to make your acquaintance!

(Gonna copy-paste this as my "about you" on my profile. 'Cause I'm lazy)


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D

Also, yay! Lazy! <3


Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D

Also, yay! Lazy! <3
You seem like an all-around nice guy. I'll be sure to do that. Thank you for the welcome.


Good afternoon, @lilypuff , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ...

MV Tutorials ...
Aw yeah! Thank you for the welcome, and thank you very much for the link. I'll be sure to check it out! I swear, without tutorials and hints (and well-meaning criticism) back when I started out with VX Ace, I'd have given up because of the learning curve. I don't quite remember how many hours I've spent reading about variables and switches (plus learning by doing/failing), but it's a lot...and it seems like there's always something new and exciting to pick up regarding plugins and whatnot. Happy to be here!


Welcome to the community @lilypuff . My memory of playing my first RPG dates pretty close to when Atari came out. RPGs were books, paper, and pencil back then. ;)
Awesome. Never had the luxury of owning an Atari, but my parents bought me and my siblings a Commodore 64 for christmas once. That poor thing saw some heavy use...its power supply actually started melting at one point. Also been playing some "dice, pen and paper" D&D, Warhammer, and a couple of other roleplaying table-top games. Never with miniatures and battle maps though. I always thought they restricted the whole experience, whereas good storytelling and a rampant imagination could take us anywhere and "anywhen".

Thank you for the welcome!


Residential Vampire
Welcome to the forum~ Have a nice time and create tons of good stuff. I love seeing everyone's creativity come to light.

Also yeah I too started video gaming with the Atari when I was about 1 1/2 years old. (I played so many games before I even came out of diapers XD and knew I wanted to design them by the age of 4) And was also fond of pencil/paper RPGs when I got a little older though I was ALWAYS making my own plot/rules/maps/etc. when pencil/papering with my younger brothers. Also tended to live action Roleplay up into my late teens. o .o


Welcome to the forum~ Have a nice time and create tons of good stuff. I love seeing everyone's creativity come to light.

Also yeah I too started video gaming with the Atari when I was about 1 1/2 years old. (I played so many games before I even came out of diapers XD and knew I wanted to design them by the age of 4) And was also fond of pencil/paper RPGs when I got a little older though I was ALWAYS making my own plot/rules/maps/etc. when pencil/papering with my younger brothers. Also tended to live action Roleplay up into my late teens. o .o
Thank you for the welcome, FANGirl!

I have to create a ton of good stuff and show off my creativity? Sure, no pressure...(unsee)
Seriously though, this forum seems to be full with good and helpful people with tons of experience combined, lots of tutorials and neat resources. Also...nerds (heart)! I love it already!


Oh my, welcome lazy fellow ! I hope you'll have a great time here. Unlike others I might not be able to offer you any help, but I hope you'll find what you need here !


Oh my, welcome lazy fellow ! I hope you'll have a great time here. Unlike others I might not be able to offer you any help, but I hope you'll find what you need here !
Thank you, Maynie! I'm already having a blast.

@lilypuff The C-64 was my first computer too. Giving me flashbacks of saving games on cassette player, and having an external 300 baud modem.
Tell me about it...and it all seemed so great and futuristic back then. I couldn't save though. Hardcore gaming only, with Rick Dangerous, Ikari Warriors, Batman, Dragon's Lair, The Last Ninja, International Karate and Test Drive. All those "game over, you have to start from the beginning". I wonder how I managed to keep my sanity...if I really did.