Looking good. I like the vibe. Reminds me, for some reason, of the soundtrack to Zelda II. Maybe there's a song in there that's similar to this in tone?
Anyways. Here's some advice, if you'd like it. Try to make a nice melody that can be repeated so that you don't have to improvise as much. I bet you could cut what you have a little bit and get one. I dunno what you want it to sound like, or if you even want to make this sort of thing, but it sounded to me like there was a lot of improvisation, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. For melodies to loop I'd suggest just playing around with things until you record something good that's one or two measure long. Then loop it, add some more instruments or whatever you want, change the melody a bit to add some variation (I dunno how advanced you wanna get with things. If this is your first time trying music like you said then maybe just stick to making a nice loop to play around with) and move things around until your happy. Stay simple, keep persisting and experimenting, especially if you're a beginner.
OVERALL THOUGH: it's a nice song that I could easily see in a save room or peaceful scene. And good on you for making your own music by the way! It's a difficult task, I think, and it's a good skill to have.
What program do you use to make this btw? I always like to know those sorts of things.