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Neuralnet AI makes old assets usable again


Here is a game changer (pun intended). We have tons of old resources that are to small to use with RMMV. That all changes today. An AI has been taught to take small, pixelated images and scale them up while remastering them. I have tried to do this with Photoshop and ended up, after hours of work, with unsuitable, blurry tilesets. This AI dose it beautifully! I considered keeping this as a secret weapon, but I just can't keep something this awesome just to myself. I love you.

This is a random asset from Pandora's Box ran thru Photoshop OR AI Gigapixel

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Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
definitely looks amazing but haven't spent the $100 yet to see how it performs in the wild ;)

also, I could swear that I liked your post back when you posted it. i remember reading it and checking it out. weird.
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Yeah, that's super weird - I thought I'd liked it too. :O

I usually tweak things manually to upscale images like that, but it's a super cool tool, especially for folks not into image editing!


Towns Guard
30 day trial makes it worth a download...however after that not sure I would kick $100 for it...I mean if I didn't have a house, wife, daughter, bills, the guy I pay to get rid of the dead bodies(whoops no one heard, cars and inurance then yeah....wish it was around 20yrs agoo when I was young and single.


Towns Guard
So I wanted to update people about this...I did come across via someone else a copy of this the other day and have been toying with it. I haven't looked to see if the price dropped but if it did drop to the range of no more then 70 I would recommend it. I was actually able to bring an old rpg maker 2000 project back to life using this and a few other things.