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Need Help With Passability Check


Towns Guard
who can help me with this? My goal is a system of checking a tile at $gameVariables.value(x) and $gameVariables.value(y) coordinates, that the player is NOT STANDING NEXT TO, and determine which directions that tile can be entered from and exited from. Seems like no matter what I do I get "Unexpected end of input."
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In rpg_objects.js, line 5944:
// This method of Game_Map checks if a tile can be passed when walking off it in a given direction
Game_Map.prototype.isPassable = function(x, y, d) {
    return this.checkPassage(x, y, (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f);

// It is used as such
$gameMap.isPassable( xx, yy, direction );

// Directions can be defined as:
Direction.DOWN_LEFT = 1;
Direction.DOWN = 2;
Direction.DOWN_RIGHT = 3;
Direction.LEFT = 4;
Direction.RIGHT = 6;
Direction.UP_LEFT = 7;
Direction.UP = 8;
Direction.UP_RIGHT = 9;
If you want to know what directions it can be entered from, then you'll need to find the tile in that direction and test if it can be walked off. There's a small catch to this; RPG Maker MV supports looping maps, so to check if a tile can be walked off onto a tile that loops to the other side of the map you'll need to use the rounding methods on line 5736 and 5740:
// This method of Game_Map finds the adjacent X tile in the direction d
Game_Map.prototype.roundXWithDirection = function(x, d) {
    return this.roundX(x + (d === 6 ? 1 : d === 4 ? -1 : 0));

// This method of Game_Map finds the adjacent Y tile in the direction d
Game_Map.prototype.roundYWithDirection = function(y, d) {
    return this.roundY(y + (d === 2 ? 1 : d === 8 ? -1 : 0));

// It is used as such
var adjacentX = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection( xx, exitDirection );
var adjacentY = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection( yy, exitDirection );

// You can then check if the adjacent tiles are passable to xx/yy by flipping the direction
// Game_CharacterBase (for some reason) has a method to do this
var enterDirection = $gamePlayer.reverseDir( exitDirection );

// So you can now test the enter passability of xx/yy with;
$gameMap.isPassable( adjacentX, adjacentY, enterDirection );
"Unexpected end of input." is a standard Javascript error that means you messed up writing the code somewhere.
Likely, you're probably missing a closing brace } if you properly indent and format your code you'll be able to see where this is.


Towns Guard
thank you Xilefian. you are the second person to point me towards $gameMap.roundXWithDirection/$gameMap.roundYWithDirection so I am definitely looking into this. I have come a long way but much of this is still hieroglyphics to me, and I have not written any plugins yet. I am attempting to reach my goal using an event or events with short scripts and conditional scripts. I may be wrong, but its been my experience that a plugin is only necessary when trying to change what MV does by default in favor of something else. I have achieved quite a lot in my project using zero plugins and I am hoping not to have to start now.
[doublepost=1494185820,1494042238][/doublepost]I am trying to check each tile, one direction at a time. I'm no longer getting the error but the conditional returns false no matter what the coordinates. do you see anything wrong with this?

◆If:Script:$gameMap.isPassable($gameVariables.value(18), $gameVariables.value(19), 2)
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
:Text:Tile at x=\V[18], y=\V[19] can be exited downward

[doublepost=1548839657][/doublepost]SUCCESS! A combination of $gameMap.isPassable( x, y, d); AND $gamePlayer.canPass( x, y, d);

This FINALLY got me what I needed.