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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

I haven't been able to focus on MV stuff for AGES! I finally had the chance get back into it and revisit Otherworld again before the business of the New Year's commitments take over. While there's not much in the way of game progress yet, I decided to revisit some of the plugins I started for its engine (but didn't finish). And I finished a number of them, which I'll be releasing (mostly) in January.

I've heard it said that there's no such thing as a "perfect" font, only an appropriate one. And that's quite true because I spent the past 2 hours just looking for a perfectly appropriate font that encapsulates Otherworld's look and feel...And still haven't found one. I'd design my own if I was any good at it! LOL

I expect there to be much more progress on Otherworld in 2017 in between the other projects. This includes one - secret for now - for SGB, which will fall under the Otherworld umbrella.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Today I added in a new character, and finished up the animation frames for a different one:



Praised Adventurer
So I managed to finish up the intro sequence and training fight session in Essence Infinity today. Now it's onward to the battle locations! Everything from this point out is less complex and quite a bit easier to deal with lol.
[doublepost=1484167555,1483484750][/doublepost]Continuing with the more difficult stuff in Essence Infinity, I managed to make time for this map . This is the second battle region's intro area. From here, you go into a dungeon (first in the game) and get and idea of how those will work in Essence Infinity. I plan on using some kinda lighting plugin for that but don't have one just yet. At the end of the dungeon, you'll reach the top of this mountain where you'll have to fight creatures that are called "Talkra Bringers". Their Talkra corruption has caused distortions in how they're viewed by the naked eye. A tough fight, but the first encounter with these beings xP so it should be fun.

From that point on, you'll encounter them more often and you'll be able to go back to the mountaintop and the dungeon anytime you feel like fighting for extra experience or rewards (without the cutscenes and chests of course xP). The dungeon itself will bring out some memories for people who played Golden Sun cause I'ma make it similar to those type of caves in structure. Anyhow, that's about what I've had time for today, so till next time!


Praised Adventurer
This week I'm working on a super kid gen pack heh. I plan on making over 100 parts for it, with 25 being freebies. So far I've copied the original female parts over to the kid and adjusted them accordingly (these are just bonus since anyone can do this) and have added in like 5-7 new facial marks created by me. Definitely showing some variety already so it's gonna be a huge pack! I hope it is received well.

(All parts that were originally "free" from me or others, are still gonna be that way of course and I'll properly credit/link back to those who made the original parts that I've transferred to the kid generator. Those parts will all be included with my custom freebies. The parts I create will most likely not be hair unless I figure a way to fix my tablet since it's not working atm. But, expect several eyes, eyebrows, ears (maybe), noses, mouths (since I can easily make tons of those), facial marks, and clothes all created by me.)

I made an outfit to start out and it turned out pretty well I'd say! So here's a freebie to start off this super pack >.< (It's gonna be a headache setting all this up but the original parts for both genders are a good start xD)
TV_Clothing2_p01.png TV_Clothing2_p01_c.png TVD_Clothing_p01.png TVD_Clothing_p01_c.png icon_Clothing_p01.png
TV Folder TV Folder TVD Folder TVD Folder Variation Folder

Hope you guys like this neat little tribal outfit! (I'll get around to the SV and face parts for it once I finish copying the original parts over. But it's coming!)


Still morning here but i'm taking a little break after some mapping~

On a related note, anybody here can teach me the art of making tilesets and sprites(love), i want to start learning making some original resources for mapping (trees, barrel, floors, etc) but kinda don't know where to start(tears)(tears)
I've been slowly continuing with Otherworld, small things really. Added the Mature Content plugin for anyone who doesn't want blood and "life profanity" and completed the Character Selection plugin (although there's a bug in it that still needs to be squished).

Started revising the characters as well, as far as looks and profile graphics. They have problems walking; they walk with limps. I was never good at drawing walk motions in art class! Haha! Since I'm using Daz 3D Studio for the most part, the program's default walk animation is severely flawed, so finding the right leg and arm positions is painstaking! It's at times like these I wish I'd paid more attention in art.

The next big thing on the agenda is writing the QEngine plugin so that the main settings can be consolidated and used across the add-on plugins for things like Title Screen, Status Menu and Status Screen. Lots of work, so little time!


Praised Adventurer
My current project is over half finished now and offers a puzzle gaming experience while also being an adventure type game. I think it's a pretty unique idea that doesn't show up often in games especially lately. Once it's done I'll have a few different people test it out for me before I put it on Greenlight. xP Yay for the first one almost finished!


still procrastinating on the animations. lol. i did finish a few scripts, and fixed some bugs.


Praised Adventurer
I have continued to work on this project, and it's 75% done now xP (it's short but yeah lol). Definitely going well for it, and I'll just have to test it then wait for Greenlight.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
In the last two days I made about five different character sprites with different clothing and expressions, though I wasted a lot of time arguing about politics ewe


Hey all, Ive been off MV for a while but last night I went back on and cobbled up a rough ending to the demo Im making. planning to smooth that out then try to fix the dungeon monsters stats as well as add in a few more for variety purposes tonight. after that I will go over it again with some more polish and at that point Il be happy to share my first RPG Maker project with anyone thats interested in trying it out. :)


Praised Adventurer
I recently finished Excavator and put it up on Greenlight xP. First one is down heh, two more to go. TOTL has a publisher now as well and it's roughly 42% completed at this point. As for Essence Infinity, I wanna say that one is about 25% finished as well. I been on a roll xD.

Anyhow, figured I'd show what I did over this passed week with Excavator. I created it's trailer for Greenlight and had to remake it due to some issues with quality, but now it works great and shows like it should. Took awhile, but it's there now and fixed! On other news, my girlfriend has begun learning coding so that we could begin brainstorming ideas on a 3D game following a sort of Steampunk/Sandbox/RPG genre. That will likely become interesting in how we design it heh, pretty unique combo there.



Towns Guard
Today I solved what I think was the last missing piece I needed to finally finish my custom 100 item storage box with zero plugins. (ALSO RE-USABLE TREASURE CHESTS-HOORAY!) I scoured the internet and looked at lots of plugins but never could find how to store a variable item's name to a new variable in a script. Just a few mins ago the answer struck me. I had already conquered the script for saving variable item's party count as well as variable item's item number.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Hmmm... well, I haven't been keeping up with this on the daily (obviously), but I completely revamped the style of the graphics in my project.

Besides that, I've been continuing to work on my recreation of MV's RTP in my spare time.

[doublepost=1491842133,1491074506][/doublepost]I spent this weekend working on a café map for my project. (cheeky)


This week I'm working on a super kid gen pack heh. I plan on making over 100 parts for it, with 25 being freebies. So far I've copied the original female parts over to the kid and adjusted them accordingly (these are just bonus since anyone can do this) and have added in like 5-7 new facial marks created by me. Definitely showing some variety already so it's gonna be a huge pack! I hope it is received well.

(All parts that were originally "free" from me or others, are still gonna be that way of course and I'll properly credit/link back to those who made the original parts that I've transferred to the kid generator. Those parts will all be included with my custom freebies. The parts I create will most likely not be hair unless I figure a way to fix my tablet since it's not working atm. But, expect several eyes, eyebrows, ears (maybe), noses, mouths (since I can easily make tons of those), facial marks, and clothes all created by me.)

I made an outfit to start out and it turned out pretty well I'd say! So here's a freebie to start off this super pack >.< (It's gonna be a headache setting all this up but the original parts for both genders are a good start xD)
View attachment 5912 View attachment 5913 View attachment 5914 View attachment 5915 View attachment 5916
TV Folder TV Folder TVD Folder TVD Folder Variation Folder

Hope you guys like this neat little tribal outfit! (I'll get around to the SV and face parts for it once I finish copying the original parts over. But it's coming!)
This will be perfect for my orc's OMG wow.


Towns Guard
I've been bad and not done anything to it for ages. In fact I've not been here for ages either. I've been mulling over some plot ideas but even that has been slow. Just had an idea for map structures though. I don't have a overworld but rather will have a grid of field maps. Originally they were all variable sizes but for ease of purpose I'll standardise them to either 50x50, 50x100, 100x50 100x100. Any inaccessible areas will just not be done. That way I can build the world more to a scale assuming I don't of course run out of Map IDs. Only thing then is making more seamless transitions so you move from one map to another but it's subtle.

The other idea is internal maps for inside of houses are done lazily. Copy the exterior map, paint the interior of the house, dim the outside. Only issue is interiors can easily feel cramped and hard to move around.


Praised Adventurer
This will be perfect for my orc's OMG wow.
I'm sure many of the others will be too. I'd have already uploaded them, but issues with someone copyrighting my name as well as my time being occupied by Tales of the Lumminai full time, I'm unable to do so until I can get around all this. I have about 60 parts for the kid generator all nicely finished now. It's coming along pretty good too. I also have another tileset centered around destroyed buildings/ruins theme too that needs uploaded once things clear up. Still can't believe someone copyrighted my name and tried to steal all my work and claim it as theirs....doubt they're even artists >.<


I'm sure many of the others will be too. I'd have already uploaded them, but issues with someone copyrighting my name as well as my time being occupied by Tales of the Lumminai full time, I'm unable to do so until I can get around all this. I have about 60 parts for the kid generator all nicely finished now. It's coming along pretty good too. I also have another tileset centered around destroyed buildings/ruins theme too that needs uploaded once things clear up. Still can't believe someone copyrighted my name and tried to steal all my work and claim it as theirs....doubt they're even artists >.<
i will not need the side view because i need npc cloths thinking of using it for the orc npc army. didn't what the orc's to ware the same cloths as humans lol i would like to try and have them with there own culture in my game. so i will need to have them with a different look with cloth.