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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
Today I began working on a wagon interior tileset. This is important for one of my projects and I think it'll work quite well for an immersive wagon ride xD. This tileset will host a variety of quality goods, seating, and even tables. It's meant to provide a sense of realism when inside of a wagon.

Essence Infinity will feature this one, and allow the player to view the interior of a wagon while riding from point A to point B if they decide to do it. In which random chat can happen (similar to how Final Fantasy 15 does it in the car). I really enjoyed the random chatter in that game so why not use that as inspiration for a wagon interior that can do the same thing.

As well, this tileset should be able to work with Jodis' wagon exterior one. So in a sense, it's completing that one as well even though that's not the main intention of it. So it should look nice when done! Will show it off when it's more complete heh.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
@Amysaurus Looking stunning! I love everything you do though :P

Today I finally finished my expandable categories for my quest plugin! You can click the category and it will expand and show the quests it contains. I'm 1 step closer to the release of this plugin. A few more things I would like to do before finalizing everything but I'm so close I can smell it.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Progress this week looks bad visually but behind the scenes it's been quite a bit of work. My quest plugin's scene is highly customizable, you can change the name of the commands, the icons the commands use, you can choose to not use icons and only text or only icons and no text and you can even change how many rows and columns as well as the order for the commands. You can change the command names of the "More Options" window too. Using categories is optional.
Quest Options.gif


Progress this week looks bad visually but behind the scenes it's been quite a bit of work. My quest plugin's scene is highly customizable, you can change the name of the commands, the icons the commands use, you can choose to not use icons and only text or only icons and no text and you can even change how many rows and columns as well as the order for the commands. You can change the command names of the "More Options" window too. Using categories is optional.
View attachment 5740
Love it this is looking real good.


Towns Guard
Not really work, but I had a small party with my team members to celebrate Christmas!
Then again, I showed the game to a few folks, so that almost counts as testing.
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Towns Guard
My method for motivation is to work for at least an hour or more each and every day (it is 3 or more when I'm out of school for the weekend or for school-scheduled breaks), as I want to make sure that I get work done on my game while still not driving myself insane. Being an honors student is a 40 hour work week--accounting for essays, homework, and the actual school day itself--so I feel that's a fair amount of time.
Maybe I'm just lazy? I certainly hope that's not the case.


Towns Guard
Maybe I'm just lazy? I certainly hope that's not the case.
Nah, man. Working short hours allows you to not work in zombie mood. When I've been working on something for 7 hours straight, I ain't at my best. I can't focus and I need to redo some of the work later. The best, in my personnel experience, is the 3-4 hour range cause you have enough time to get "in the zone". You've got to learn to your body when it comes to that.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
It's nowhere near done, but I "finished" a map of mine enough to finally import it into the game.

Update: I've been busy with holiday baking (so many cookies.), but I've almost finished this map:


Praised Adventurer
Welp, recently I've been pushing a lot of custom skills, animations and tilesets into Essence Infinity. My most recent visual addition is the first pass of the title screen which you can see in the screenshot below. I'm not really sure how I feel about it just yet (ignore the window box there as that is definitely gonna be changed to buttons cause I hate that). It took a little awhile to make that but it does have a unique look to it at least.

On the other side of things, I've gotten TOTL's systems nice and straightened out so they all work properly now and aren't so cluttered. I also went and added in the new Dream Sequence intro which will be voice acted and show off the final skills the player will have access to as a Grand Herald of the Hydra Lumminai! Other than that little bit, I've created the ship the player will arrive on and the intro region is now more interactive and far less confusing (yes, I listened to the feedback! O.O)

And for the other bit I've worked on this week, I managed to get some new gen parts for the kid generator set up and nice looking too! I will likely release those once I have a good bit of them done, but right now it's too few to waste the time uploading for. xD I'll have a sneak peak at that once I have a full set going, I promise! (I'll also release that nifty tileset I was working on before since I've run outta ideas to build upon that one, so there's something else to look forward to!)

EI's Title Pass 1, lemme know what you guys think or how I can improve it!


Praised Adventurer
So recently I've reworked my title using one of the animated title plugins that were made by Soulpour777. Now it has a fade in effect and will transition slowly into the title screen to fit with my intended bgm that I'ma use for it. The title text has been changed to better fit the style I'm going with for this project.

With that out of the way and satisfactory, I'm now able to wrap up the rest of the classes base skills (not the ones the player can learn with skill points, but the ones they get on level ups). I've already completed two classes worth of skills, and have started the third, but there are like 16 total unique classes so still a ways off. I've also created nifty animations for the ones I've already made, and will do so with the rest as well and maybe even tie in action sequences with a short audio file to make the character say something like "Lets do this!" or "Take this!!" depending on how I feel about it when the animations are done.

Aside from all that, there isn't much else that needs done in the project other than making enemies and the battle troops. I'm aiming to make this game a fun short (but endless if you choose to play after the story for the hidden secrets xP) game with a lighthearted story and small cast of unique characters. We'll see how it all ends up won't we lol. But anyway, that's the starting plan for what I'ma be doing in the next few weeks.
[doublepost=1483140866,1483071309][/doublepost]And today I went ahead and created the save system which is basic like most RPG's. However, mine is controlled by a series of "Memory Kittens" or neko-girls pretty much lol. But the funny part is each of them will put on a "persona" that's not their normal when confronted by the player to save their game. Each one will also have a set of 5 different phrases they'll say when you're interacting with them, some quite fun and others rude remarks. These are randomized as to which will be shown with each interaction so it should add a tad bit of life to the characters running the save system. None of them will have names, but they all have their own personality as well as the persona they put on for the main character's pleasure.

Aside from that, the Mystic skills are all finished now and I've begun working on the Kunoichi class skills. The story has also progressed into the second quest accepted from the guild which is "Joining the Guild".