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Mysterious Happenings

What mysterious happenings have you had happen to yourselves or others nearby?

Once, my alarm clock didn't activate before school, so I was in a mad dash to get over there when I awoke. I barely made it in time, only to hear other people were late because their alarm clocks also didn't activate. Bearing in mind nearly everyone had different models and lived in a totally different place to me (eliminating the possibility of software failure and power cuts) this was utterly weird.


Hard to describe since I don't want to overly personal on here, but let's just say many times in my life I've received help from the most UNEXPECTED people. Could be someone I never talked to, never met, or haven't seen in many years, and yet, they showed up at the time I needed them most. Very strange.


Staff member
When I was much much younger, I had been driving on a hotshot to deliver some items for a crew offshore. It took about 8 hours to get there. At about 14 and half hours, I was already heading back, I fell asleep. The last mile marker I remember seeing was 1, and the one I saw when I woke up was 9.


It's hard to randomly remember the weird stuff since I never wrote them down. I might of have had weird paranormal experiences or maybe they were just dreams, who knows. I tend to dream things that come true as well. It's pretty rare though. Dejavu stuff.

I had some dejavu last night about this very forum. I seem to have dejavu when I reach an important part of my life, whether it's good or bad. For all of my jobs I dreamt of working at them before I actually did (though at the time in the dream I didn't know where I was). I seem to have a knack for knowing when something bad is going to happen. I've been right in MANY instances though sometimes p


Dragon Goddess
Sometimes when I'm asleep, my computer mysteriously turns itself on, and I wake up wondering why it's so damn bright in here. (keyboard/mouse light up, and the comp itself has a bright white light)

...happened this morning. it's always weird xD


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Once I dreamt something and it happened in real life later. I didn't even know if it really happened since i dream some things several times (so i have the same dream a few times). But it was real. And it happened after i dreamt it.

Sometimes I can't even tell between things I dreamt and reality.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Sometimes I can't even tell between things I dreamt and reality.
I have a lot of trouble remembering dreams, but the few times I do are incredibly vivid. I'll go through an entire day of classes in my head, wake up, and then realize I'll to go through that all over again. ò_____ó

Nio Kasgami

Towns Guard
Once I dreamed weird stuff :c....
well actually I real often weird stuff so this not something mysterious

but one dream where I met a women and this left me with wondering asking myself some dept question lol


Praised Adventurer
There have been many reports of the ghost of a young boy, about 6-8 years old, in my workplace, though I've never personally encountered it. While he is never seen, he can be heard laughing and running along the inside of the front wall of the building, heading in the opposite direction from the entrance, then will turn and run along the side wall towards the back of the building and will run right through the back wall into our store rooms before the sound stops. I work in retail, and more than once I have had a customer come up to me and tell me that they heard a young boy running through the isles around them and not seeing any guardian in the vicinity, thinking it may be a child lost or hiding in the building, but there never being any trace of a child when I check it out. I found it funny when my store's manager first started and talked about the time he went searching for a child after closing the store, when he heard him running around and giggling, like he was trying to hide from my manager. This was before he had heard the stories about the ghost. I'd say the weirdest part is that if you go a few generations back most of the land around my job was owned by my family, and there was never a reported case of a young boy being found dead on the property. The part of the building where the boy is most often heard would be right around where the orange orchard ended and the cow pastures began on my great aunt's land, which would have been a great place for someone to bury a body in the middle of the night. And according to family this ghost wasn't there back before we sold the land, maybe 15 years ago.

Here's a crude diagram of where he has been heard.
The gaps along the store room wall are the entrances to the store room and the closest one to where the boy is supposedly heard running through the wall is a good 25ft away.