Thanks for any feedback
Good stuff. I had to skip through (it's getting late, here...), but I heard enough to be able to state that they are, indeed, 'Game Ready'. Nice themes, sober treatment, well executed, well mixed (yes, the fourth one could be re-mixed; you're right. Not much needed, though; no 'shockers' in there...).
You've obviously got the hang of the recording process for this type of composition; have you thought of 'mastering' the tracks..? "Why..?" I hear you ask... It's the process which gives a final spit and polish to a group of works designed to 'fit together'.Typically, these days, an album, so that the tracks don't 'jar' when played in sequence, and share the same sonic identity (unless one wishes, deliberately, to surprise the listener...). Imagine listening to an album, only to have one track louder than the others, or with a 1930's sonic scope. Not ideal, usually. I use AAMS, which is an automatic mastering programme; one chooses the 'genre' and the software runs the track through several passes, using compressors and filters very subtly to give the track a certain conformity. Just a thought; you may already have such software available to you.
It's always a Good Idea to compose oneself for a Game one is developing if at all possible; you've got the quality aspect spot on. Best of luck with it. Good stuff.