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MOTM - Member Of The Month

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Staff member
Resource Team

Saluttations everyone! We've been lacking events recently, and we're going to be using October as a way to kickstart everything once again! Starting off we have a new month, and new potential to becoming the Member of the Month!​

To enter all you have to do is post below with the current post amount you have, and make at least 1 new topic and 5 posts after entering.

Following that we will chose 5 people at random based on the following information: Every topic is 3 entries, and every post is 1 entry. You get these entries by posting topics and posts after you have entered.

Once those 5 people are chosen we will have a community voting to decide who is this months Member of the Month!

With becoming a member of the month, we will sticky one of your posts for the entire month, this can be a helpful post you've made, or a post for the game you're currently in the process of creating! You will also be able to have one of your resources in the resource section featured for a month. If you have your game, or a resource for sale, or eligible for download we will feature one of them for the entire month! The MOTM will also receive a MOTM trophy for that month/year which they can then display!

The 5 other people chosen will receive a runner up MOTM trophy for that month/year followed by a post or resource posted on a few of our social media!
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I like it! I 'am currently developping things for android. So i will post something related to this. Actualy i dont think i have any posts. But i will start to post here too :)


Towns Guard
I'm in music remixing from rpg maker 2003 to xp
Using a Yamaha tyron keyboard with xg super voice midi conversion and 16 track output

Not to mention countless instrument voices inbuilt
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