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Missing Animations in MV after Converting from VX Ace




Staff member
Temporarily you could just create a blank image and name it "Sword1.png", until you get the desired animation image. Are you going to use Side-View or Front-View battling? I also am sorry at how they treated you at the other forum, and welcome to the friendly forum.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I don't believe there is a Sword1.png animation for the default engine, maybe you have a plugin active which is requiring an animation? If you show us a screenshot of the debug console when this error pops up that would be very helpful. For now though as @MinisterJay has mentioned, a placeholder/blank image named Sword1.png would do the trick until we get a bit more information.


I exported all missing animations from VX Ace and now I don't have that issue anymore :D Some other weird bugs have been happening though. Characters' battle sprites should change to being KO'd right? For some reason mine just keep the last sprite they were using. Also, my starting character begins with their default weapon. The other characters have no starting weapon in their slot (but all of them have the correct armor). I'm using the side view battling by the way.
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
So are you using MV? Or Ace? I'm a bit confused there, I'm going to assume you converted your ace project to MV considering this post is on an MV community MV Support thread lol.

Some other weird bugs have been happening though. Characters' battle sprites should change to being KO'd right?
You're not quite providing enough information, and I'm still confused to what engine you're using but yes, character battle sprites should change their graphic on knockout, If not, have you checked your entire database? There may be missing information from your states, so check your knockout state to make sure everything is setup correctly from the conversion from ace. Also double check that your side view sprite sheet is in the correct format and all graphics are in the right spot. As for your starting equipment is all of the actors starting equipment setup correctly? When is this all happening, in battle test or in game?


So are you using MV? Or Ace? I'm a bit confused there, I'm going to assume you converted your ace project to MV considering this post is on an MV community MV Support thread lol.

You're not quite providing enough information, and I'm still confused to what engine you're using but yes, character battle sprites should change their graphic on knockout, If not, have you checked your entire database? There may be missing information from your states, so check your knockout state to make sure everything is setup correctly from the conversion from ace. Also double check that your side view sprite sheet is in the correct format and all graphics are in the right spot. As for your starting equipment is all of the actors starting equipment setup correctly? When is this all happening, in battle test or in game?
Yes, I converted my project from VX Ace to MV. The sprite sheet is correct, I'll check the states. I have checked all starting equipment multiple times and also tried using other weapons, to no avail. All of this has been in the play test, I have not tried battle test yet.
[doublepost=1457651136,1457650738][/doublepost]States were the problem with the sprites. That's fixed now :) I still don't know why the start equip. doesn't work though.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
States were the problem with the sprites. That's fixed now :) I still don't know why the start equip. doesn't work though.
I'm glad that worked for you, as for your start equipment, Is this when you start a new game? The problem may be again in the database, check to see if your weapons are properly connected to the appropriate class/weapon type which the actors are associated with.


I'm glad that worked for you, as for your start equipment, Is this when you start a new game? The problem may be again in the database, check to see if your weapons are properly connected to the appropriate class/weapon type which the actors are associated with.
I checked. The character is a W. Mage and W. Mages can use Staves. Her starting weapon is a Staff and is classified as a Stave weapon type.
[doublepost=1457655615,1457652347][/doublepost]When I go to the shop to purchase a Stave she the game highlights her name indicating she can use Staves, but I can't even equip it on her once I buy it.
[doublepost=1457656377][/doublepost]I finally found the issue! For some reason my Stave weapons were sealing the Weapon equip slot!