Indie Dev

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Minor Intro

Hey everyone. Good day as any to put in an introduction..derp.

My name is Jenna, and I got RPG mv...a couple weeks? ago.... didn't know about any places nor how to add addons/plugins to the game till about two days ago so..squee :3

Anywhos, I'm a comic artist and book writer, born in the year of 1998. So.. Hello~
(p.s. I am bad at intros xD)


Staff member
Hi Jenna, and welcome to the community. I remember 1998. I left the oil field industry that year, and entered my Senior year in college. Looking forward to seeing you around.


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the community :D I was only 5 in 98 so I'm not as vivid on what happened like MinisterJay XD

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it here and feel free to share some of you work on the forums :)


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @Jenna Montreal! Glad to have you here! If you have any questions, or need any help, feel free to ask as we are all here to assist you in your endeavours! :D