Boy Who Codes
Praised Adventurer
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Soul submitted a new resource:
Meliodas Full Counter - This plugin allows you to mimic the Full Counter skill of Meliodas from Nanatsu no Taizai.
Meliodas Full Counter - This plugin allows you to mimic the Full Counter skill of Meliodas from Nanatsu no Taizai.
Read more about this resource...Description:
This ability allows Meliodas to reflect attacks aimed at him, back at the enemy, but with much greater power; therefore, the stronger the opponent’s powers are, the stronger Meliodas’ power becomes. This plugin then mimics this ability.
Tag your states with <full_counter> if you want them to behave like Meliodas’ Full Counter. Make sure that the state is a magic reflection ability. This works by injecting new effects if the state is tagged with it and if magical...