Hey guys! I've already introduced myself on a different area of the site but I figured I'd go ahead and make this little diddy up to give you even more insight on me and my awesome friends!
First off, my name is Alcha Emy! World's greatest Alchemist! I am a fictional character from the mind of some guy in USA! I am 28 years young, and am extreamly famous and wealthy! A lot of people say I'm a teeny, tiny bit on the coocoo side...and boy would those people be WAYYYYY off. I'm full bat poop nutzo! My creator seemed to find it fit to make me super intelligent and use that intelligence to do and make insane things. For instance, my favorite mode of transportation is the Alcha Cannon! It is exactly what it sounds like and I can pull it out anywere, anywhen I want to and my faithful butler Norman will always be there to fire me out of it!
Norman is 60 years old and probably the only person who can keep up with my mess making skills and his serious gentlmenly personality is a complete opposite to my over the top one! But don't let that fool ya! For an old gentleman he has some serious battle skills when using swords and guns! Any baddy who crosses his path is sure to be sore the next day! Soon I will tell ya all about my besty Annabel <3
First off, my name is Alcha Emy! World's greatest Alchemist! I am a fictional character from the mind of some guy in USA! I am 28 years young, and am extreamly famous and wealthy! A lot of people say I'm a teeny, tiny bit on the coocoo side...and boy would those people be WAYYYYY off. I'm full bat poop nutzo! My creator seemed to find it fit to make me super intelligent and use that intelligence to do and make insane things. For instance, my favorite mode of transportation is the Alcha Cannon! It is exactly what it sounds like and I can pull it out anywere, anywhen I want to and my faithful butler Norman will always be there to fire me out of it!
Norman is 60 years old and probably the only person who can keep up with my mess making skills and his serious gentlmenly personality is a complete opposite to my over the top one! But don't let that fool ya! For an old gentleman he has some serious battle skills when using swords and guns! Any baddy who crosses his path is sure to be sore the next day! Soon I will tell ya all about my besty Annabel <3