I'm no artist, and havn't had time to get a REALLY acceptable pencil sketch scanned, but my first thought for a Mascot here can be described as words, for you other Community folks to run with perhaps? I'm the idea guy, not the "artisty" guy. lol
Since MV is (I am guessing) called that to imply "mobile version" since it now supports exporting to browsers, iDevice/Android, etc... why not something vaguely based on Beemo from "Adventure Time". An anime-esque Portable GameThing, that has spiky hair (anime!), and a sword/shield/gun/potion in one hand (perhaps 5-7 hands as the Hindu gods have), with multiple items, representing the large Potential for Things Possible in this system?
That combines the overall "themes" I tend to see in RM games with my limited research.
Credit to anyone who could actually DRAW that for me, as I suddenly like this idea for my own game, if not accepted as Mascot here. :D
Spoiler below is feeble MSPaint attempt to explain the vague idea, not meant to be a Finished Mascot.
It's a good idea, just a little over-complicated...
I was thinking of the droid shown on the main imagery.
But on second thought he looks like he'd be really annoying.
Yes I see you putting your hand up, petulant child, but you look even more annoying.
Is his white glove meant to be an ode to MJ or something?
Without her headgear that girl beside him could easily be likened to Esperia... let's see-- Dark skin, pale blue eyes, hair that curls around in her face and a stupid tuf coming from the top that makes no sense. Also showing lots of skin.
Only real difference is hair color and the rate of evil. Esperia very rarely looks not-evil or malicious where as that girl has a very lawful personality. Not sure if she's supposed to represent anyone, but I really don't care, either.
I do really like the more paintery sort of look they've used this time around. Actually my first game (not counting conversions) is going to use that RTP because I actually, really like it.
It's good that after 8 years they finally learned purple shading was dead years ago.
No, listen. Whenever there was even a slightly close shade to red they'd make the shading blatantly purple... look at this.
LIGHT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! UGGGGHHH. Look at that fucking shoulder-rag.
Oh but look now!
NO PURPLE! YESSSSsssssssss... It's just darker shades of the same color, which makes sense.
I never understood that whole purple-shaded "style" they tried so hard to make us like. It works in games and art that utilize it properly because it is used in a way that adds to an image, all they added was the impression they'd spilled mulberries over the whole set and had to come up with an inventive solution.
This has been an inherent problem I've had with the RTP and it's been around since XP, and in that RTP it was even more blatant and looked even worse due to the colors being washed out so heavily. Most noticeable in the character sets, when you had a leg behind the character it looked like they'd just come out of a portal from the twisting purple nether or something.
So hats off to eb! for getting their shit together.