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Tileset Maru's MV Bits

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
So all I have to do is to credit you and that's it? I didn't know it was that easy 0_0

Thanks for your answer. I was hoping someday, someone gets rid of the evil black background of the trunk tiles :D


Local Hero
Yes :) Just credits.
If you want to use my stuff in a commercial project, please PM me with the title of your project (and a link to the thread/homepage/whatever - if there is something like that for your game). That's all! (If you want to make me happy and reward me for my work you can give me a free copy of your game after publishing. X3 <3 )

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
I doubt I'll do any commercial project, but if I do it one day, I'll try to use or make something extremely different from scripts to graphics etc. And then, contact some artists and scripters and buy their assets built according my specifics. ^^


Local Hero
I totally understand that. :)

one more piece - as Avery suggested
a fir tree in my own style


Praised Adventurer
I'm doing an enchanted forest idea (purple/cyan/pinkish) recoloring of the RTP tilesets if you wanna make a forest recolor of your trees to match that sometime. It's a ways from being finished but it's gonna look pretty neat when done. I'm also gonna add in a bunch of fruit trees and bushes to go with. With those I'm likely gonna have some customized tiles as well, but idk yet on that. Just a thought if you run outta ideas when your finished with your current ones (as IF right? xP) creativity never dies heh


Praised Adventurer
Oh wow yeah lol those are pretty! Those look amazing too lol you're too good at it. I only wish I was that good heh. But hey, at least we know there's matching good trees lol xP

Although my purple recolors are like less vibrant I believe. I think they would still fit though lol.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I love the bigger trees(heart) Because trees who are almost as small as the characters don't look too good. It's so much easier to map great woods with these. The purple looks awesome(thumbsup)


Dragon Goddess
Omg I didn't get a chance to tell you how awesome these are yet <3 Thanks so much Pandamaru! Loving all your stuff, hope you make more soon~


I love the Purple trees. ...... Will there be a forest set like the summer, fall, and winter? ... That would be nice.