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Map Nodes Travel 1.0

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Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource:

Map Nodes Travel - Allows to travel to different maps through node selection.

Author: Mr. Trivel
Name: Map Nodes Travel
Version: 1.0
Created: 2016-03-31

What does it do?
Allows to travel to different maps through node selection.


How to use?
Setting up nodes
Open up this plugin in your favorite text editor and scroll down to the part
where it says EDIT MAP NODES HERE - follow the structure there.
"keyName": {
picture: "pictureName",
xMenu: number,
yMenu: number,...
Read more about this resource...
Does it (or can it) support multiple maps for, say, different continents? I've not had a chance to test this properly yet (time has flown by too quickly).
Error: Cannon read propiety Xmenu uof undefined :C

"Villa Woodgeed": {
picture: "001",
xMenu: 85,
yMenu: 123,
mapId: 5,
mapX: 4,
mapY: 12

This maps its a ID5 :S and 4, 12 its a X , Y Position.. I Dont understand :s Sorry my english its Bad :C