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Make YouR OwN Skill ( You know what time it is )

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
Greetings !!! welcome to this thread ! created by your's truly, today in this discussion. we are going over, creating a skill. what defines a skill, how to make a skill, what is a skill ? does anyone know, i have no clue. but over some valuable research and your help. we can get down to the bottom of this fiasco, here i am bringing to you, make your own skill forum... there will be 5 categories write the name and what category it's under and give a brief description. and lets all have fun, creating and discussing. what is op, and what is funny, stupid, or well whatever it is you want it to be.
FIRST the 5 categories!

ill start this off !
  1. Comedy *skill* ("Sockaritus") - turn's the enemy into a smelly sock
  2. Magic *skill* ("Frozen FireBolt") - Shoots A Frozen fireball in a lightening shape form
  3. Physical *skill* ("Tri Energy slash") - dashes to the enemy slashing in a triangle shape form leaving a trail of purple aura surrounding him
  4. Summoning *skill* ("Power Of Pikachu") - Summons A Baby Pikachu who hit's the enemy with a giant lighting bolt dealing massive damage plus adding a chance to paralyze
5. Buff *skill* ("Light Of Hope) - surrounds the ally's with a golden protective sheild that reduces damage taken for three turns!

now if someone want's to give me some criticizing, on why my skills are bad, funny, or good. or could use some tweaking, feel free to comment below and lets discuss !!
those are mine, what are yours ????


(this is a complicated one I managed to get working after LOTS of frustration in Ace, plus my son's favorite one that we made an animation for and everything. :) )

Chaotic Shift - Buff type. (applies a state)
For # of rounds, all stats are shifted to ONE stat for the targeted actor, all other stats are effectively zero for this period.
Example: assuming all stats are 10 for this simple case:
ATTK, DEF, LUK, MDEF, are all zero. MATTK would be 10(+40) = 50!
Once the state wears off., stats return to normal.
The buffed stat is random. (or in one test game, cycled in an orderly fashion, based on a global Var for strategic use)
One use might make you REALLY lucky, the next might make you REALLY strong, but with all other stats zeroed, it's tricky. :D

Summon Bat Swarm - summon type
Summons 5-7 bats that scratch any enemy in battle. Against one foe, it is pretty darn powerful as they receive all attacks. Against a group, the damage is spread out among them.

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
Chaotic Shift - Buff type. (applies a state)
For # of rounds, all stats are shifted to ONE stat for the targeted actor, all other stats are effectively zero for this period.
Example: assuming all stats are 10 for this simple case:
ATTK, DEF, LUK, MDEF, are all zero. MATTK would be 10(+40) = 50!
Once the state wears off., stats return to normal.
The buffed stat is random. (or in one test game, cycled in an orderly fashion, based on a global Var for strategic use)
One use might make you REALLY lucky, the next might make you REALLY strong, but with all other stats zeroed, it's tricky. :D
dang that sounds really well thought out and epic.
i also like that bat one too.