awesome, congratulations Ravani!
do you have any tips for those of us to aspire to work on a game development team? (such as, how to find people to work with/for)
All I can say is to keep trying. Search on newgrounds and Reddit for people seeking whatever asset you can provide for them. In my case, I had a friend working on a game herself and she linked me to the studio she was going to have publish her game for her, so I applied for one of the positions and got an interview. They really loved the artwork I included in the alpha of Levin Project I sent them, and they took it from there to invite me to the team. Along with that, they might even help me out with Levin Project as it will be a very long game, as I plan for it to have at leat 60 hours of story and a total of 200+ hours of gameplay features.
That's a neat dream to have. I like it.
And joining a team is pretty cool too.
Thank you! I started getting serious about my art back in high school, which was a little over 10 years ago from now. Yes,, I'm sorta old, but I know that I can spend a long time on a game and make it a quality game. I have high hopes for Levin Project to become a successful RPG, and from there, I would want it to be so high quality that it can turn into a 3D action RPG to continue the series, and then eventually a remake of the first game. I have a lot of characters I designed that are not included in Levin Project, because I want them to be in a 3D action rpg. I'm talking like a full blown game like Xenoblade Chronicles or something along the lines of Kingdom Hearts and Dark Souls.
I can't really tell much more of the plans, because we haven't gotten nearly as far yet. First thing I need to do is get Levin Project out there, build a fan base, and then build my way up to where I can have a developer like Monolith Soft help work on the games.