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Looking For A Beehive tileset for MV?

Alice Bunny

Hello, I'm back again, this time with a resource request! I recently looked up a beehive tileset for my game, since I plan on making a dungeon in my game that's literally a giant, honey-filled nest. For the record, I had a Donkey Kong Country-type of image in my head. Also, I found a possible tileset I can use made by GrandmaDeb, but it's sized for VX Ace. If that's my only choice, can anybody tell me how to properly resize the tileset for MV? Because my last few attempts at such a thing ended in a hideously stretched out mess.


Hi! I don't know how much help this will be to you, but I would suggest following this tutorial since I think it worked pretty well for me:


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
just make sure you own a copy of VXAce to keep it all on the up and up :) VXAce is pretty cheap now so might as well buy it to stay on the right side of the copyright gods

(this is if the assets you're using contain any VXAce rtp materials or edits. if not, ignore what i said above)