Indie Dev

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looking for 3d backgrounds like the ones seen in


they don't need to be custom and i cant afford pay anyone to make them so they would have to be free they can be rips from
other games like ff 7-9 many as 99% of the games i make are for fun
Unfortunately plagiarism is against the law and against the terms of service of this forum and basically all the sites you could upload such without using something like a torrent which is dangerous and still illegal.

I personally have no idea, if this was paid I could have hooked you up with a guy (well girl) I know. However this topic has been bumped 4 times to during our conversation maybe someone's got any where to point this person to royalty free 3D backgrounds?


Unfortunately plagiarism is against the law and against the terms of service of this forum and basically all the sites you could upload such without using something like a torrent which is dangerous and still illegal.

I personally have no idea, if this was paid I could have hooked you up with a guy (well girl) I know. However this topic has been bumped 4 times to during our conversation maybe someone's got any where to point this person to royalty free 3D backgrounds?
they don't have to be from a game the only thing the need is depth to them a place to have the floor at i have a invisible floor tile that makes them usable for game maps.
Whatever they're from, even if they're not in any form of media but the image that you're using, it's still a copyright nightmare noone wants to touch.

The words for looking for are "Royalty Free" then read their terms of service unless there's a creative commons badge then click and read that.


Royalty Free is hard to find that is free a few years ago you could get free Royalty Free music images but now not so much. this post can be locked if some one wants to