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Koopa's concept art


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I love your style and Yay youre finally making an own thread for it ~ The perspective of the building seems great. Like you're actually looking up there. The characters are cute, how do you even desgin a world with only black and white?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Yay! You have a thread up now!

I love how you keep your drawings so simple - the black and white works really well with the minimalistic designs. :)


Very cool monochrome art style, it really gives your game an unique feeling to it.
Looking forward for your game.


Staff member
You have a cute, simple style. I like it.
The way they're done reminds me of Homestuck - Black and white, pixely, and characters copy/pasted around.

As you progress, you wouldn't level up, you'd level down! The way the storyline would unfold would be interesting, as you would see what makes the characters become the people they are, as the game digs deeper into the past.
That's a cool concept, but it would probably be pretty hard to do it well. You'd have to develop the characters in the weird backwards order, include some sort of big development/twist in the beginning of the story (end of the game), and a whole bunch of stuff. It would be pretty fun to work on though, but maybe just as frustrating.
The game would probably end up being more linear too (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), as you wouldn't want to grind for levels if you're trying to de-level.

Bizarre Monkey


So basically , instead of clogging up the screenshots section with my updates, I thought it would make sense just to make my own thread where I could dump my stuff.
But I need someone to bump it so I can post my stuff there without just double posting again and again. D:

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Quick thing about the train station: shouldn't one train be heading the other direction?
Actually... Many train stations have MANY platforms and tracks (Los Angeles Union, here, has THIRTEEN tracks) several tracks will have multiple trains facing the same direction. :) Sometimes, trains aren't decided which way they're going by what track they might be on. Switches, other trains, waiting trains, waiting for trains... etc :D

Koopa, this art looks smashing. It's a shame your game is out of development, though, judging from the remark on the OP. You're quite a good artist and that could be easily put to good use!

Bizarre Monkey

Iron Croc's right, it's never entirely linear. Even here in Brisbane that has a maximum of 8 tracks at a station, I'll be surprised sometimes as in some instances both sides of the platform will have trains going the same way.


Staff member
I just LOVE the pure black and white, no greyscale, almost true monotone. Sometimes the details just pop out at you when looking at black and white. Thanks.

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
Yeah, I love the pure black and white style. The contrast is awesome.
I also really like the perspectives in those backgrounds, I think they're really well done. I kinda wish I could learn a thing or two about drawing backgrounds from you. XD

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
@Eien Nanashi I wish I could learn from you more like, don't think I haven't seen your latest artwork! hah
I'm just a pm away if you need guidance with backgrounds.
Heh, I don't think you can learn anything from me. Our styles are different, and I think you might actually know better. XD
My latest artwork isn't really that impressive, nor do I have many artworks done. I have an art thread here and it lacks presentable full finished pieces. :P

I might PM you for advice after I've worked on a bit on one of my ideas, it's mainly backgrounds as I intend it to be my desktop wallpaper. I procrastinate all the time though, so don't expect it soon. XD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I really like this, you did a great job of creating a unique environment. I'm curious to see how these turned out while in a game, seeing this live would be awesome. Not much more to say, keep it up , you have an awesome style and I can't wait to see this in a game, if it's even going to be a game?