Killer Gin
Towns Guard
- Xy$
- 0.00
(*The game is constantly being updated, all screenshots are old.)
Press the spoiler buttons to see the BEAUTIFUL screenshots! ;0)
Game Features:
Multiplatform Release
- The game will be commercially available for PC, MAC, Android, and Iphone, mid 2016!
- Gamepad/mouse/touch screen game
Original Story
- Story currently being developed as a series of novels. Compliments the novel in many different ways. Those that read the novel will have an edge in the secrets/back story department and vice versa.
(Very early screenshot, dialogue has changed…)
Unique Quest System
- Unprecedented level of freedom and choice to decide the outcome of quests. Play good or evil, help others or leave trails of blood in your wake, you decide!
- Decisions made during the game will be remembered. All decisions affect the story and character relationships. Characters will voice their happiness/anger and will react in many surprising ways.
Unique Characters
- Characters have their own strengths and weaknesses. All characters are highly customizable (*especially the one you design yourself)!
Unique Battle System
- The battle system is a blend of traditional and modern battle systems. Mainly CTB, Charge Turn Based battle system, where you utilize strategy in order to control the flow of battle!
- Highly customizable! For example, you may alter the way each character earns TP needed for special attacks which adds further strategy and depth (TP mode changes found under skills menu). And much more!
Unique Leveling System
- The leveling system is a blend of traditional and modern leveling systems. Not only do you get stronger and learn new skills as you level up, you can also customize your character further by choosing which skills to learn. The more thoroughly you explore, the greater the options (unlock additional skills)!
Perception System
- Character can sense secrets about the current area or about the people around them. Works even during conversation.
Persuasion System
- Characters can alter the course of the game and generate unique dialog options, quests, etc. based on persuasion skills (and a little chance).
Lock Picking System
- Characters can pick locks!
- System also has *combination lock and *password systems! Be sure to pay attention to the world around you!
Mining System
- Players can mine many different ores in the game!
Crafting System
- Characters can (and should) craft weapons, armor, gems, items, necklaces, rings, and trinkets out of the ore that they mine/discover/find at a crafting station.
- The crafting system has randomization and variance built into it.
Slotted Weapons and Armor
- Find and create gems to place into weapons and armor!
Digging system
- The game hides items all over the world. So grab your shovel!
False walls
- As an ode to the Zelda games, there are weak walls that can be bombed to reveal secrets. Keep an eye out for cracks! Works in conjunction with the perception system.
- Sometimes there is more than treasure hidden in walls. Paths to new quests may also be revealed.
Fishing System
- Yes, you can fish! Works with many other game systems in very interesting ways.
Cooking System
- Characters must make meals (at cooking stations) in order to heal outside of battle (*besides sleeping). Potions are used during battle and cannot be used outside of battle.
Farming System
- Yes, you can farm and pick veggies!
- Works in conjunction with the cooking system and the *home base system.
Speak to Animals
- Characters can learn to speak to animals… they can reveal some amazing secrets, quests, etc. Or just kill them and eat them. Whatever.
- Characters can also learn to speak to goblins and elves. Not all of them know the common tongue…
Infinity Dungeon
- An infinite dungeon that spawns infinite resources and secrets!
- An integral part of many side quests.
- Has many extremely rare, legendary, and unique items hidden in its depths!
- Lots of other secrets… 42...
- Whats up with the creepy skull statue outside the dungeon anyway?
Mini Map
- Find your way around the game much easier!
- Player, quest markers, locations, etc, are shown on the map!
- Zoom and Opacity can be adjusted at anytime!
Random Treasure
- Most of the loot in the game is random. Random drops and random spawn. Good luck!
Quests: (Spoiler free)
Main Questline
- Follows the novels. Also works to tie up loose ends and provide more context and backstory to the characters and world in general.
Grandma’s Chicken
- Please find Grandma’s chicken!
- The more you collect and return to her, the bigger and better the rewards! Oh she will make it worth your while… Be sure not to kill them though (You may not know it's hers.) You cannot return a dead chicken… but you can eat it!
Werewolfs and Vampires, Oh my!
- Werewolves side or Vampire side… where do you stand?
- This is one of those quests with multiple outcomes/decisions to make. Join a side? Play double agent? Or choose to kill them both! (All 4 sides have their pros and cons. How the story plays out will be more flexible and dynamic than most games.)
- Retrieve a weapon for the werewolves, the sword is hidden on the 3rd level of the Infinity dungeon.
Werewolf Quest 2 (Goblin King’s Head)
- A group of goblins is causing a problem for the werewolves. Put an end to this conflict by collecting the Goblin King’s head!
Vampire Quest 1 (Capture the Orcs!)
- Capture a group of Orcs that have stopped at the Inn in the Bara Kingdom.
Infinity Dungeon (Grampa’s quest)
- Grampas is raving about an “Infinity Dungeon”? What could he mean?... How deep can you go into the Infinity dungeon?
Hide and Seek!
- A little boy loves to play hide and seek! (There is much more than meets the eye…)
Goblin Thief!
- A valuable weapon has been stolen by a goblin. Find their village and decide their fate.
Werewolf Packs!
- There are 4 wolf packs hunting in the goblin forest…
Orc Savior!
- Save the orc(s) from their prison cell deep within the mountains.
Ultimate Weapons!
- How many can you find and destroy?
Homicide Hunter!*(Not implemented yet)
- Several murders have been committed in the Bara Kingdom. Is this the work of a serial killer? Let's play detective! Or not.
Tips and Tricks:
- There are secrets hidden everywhere! Not all secrets have a visual marker (Like a cracked wall, etc.) especially when they are hidden in the ground. To search for buried items you must click, touch, or press the action button (Yes, you must actively search even when characters possess passive perception skills).
- Don’t just rush through the dialog! Enjoy the story! Also, there are lots of subtle hints hidden in dialogue throughout the game.
- Many items such as pickaxes, lock picks, shovels, fishing poles, bait, etc. cannot be used forever. They will eventually break and you have to find or create new ones. There are different quality items that will last longer than others.
- Play close attention to the flow of battle! This could mean the difference between winning and losing, especially when you have an injured teammate. The turn order is located at the top right of the battle screen. There are ways to temporarily alter the order in your benefit.
- Be a good son/daughter… some opportunities are a one shot deal...
- Be sure to speak to every animal that you see. They often know secrets about the area! Or you can just kill them for meat and other resources if need be, you need to eat.
- If order to create most items in the game you must have the skill and recipe book to do so.
- The crafting system has randomization and variance built into it. If you create a pair of boots it may not be the best version of the boots. If you create the boots again you may get a better pair… or a worse pair… fun!! Be sure to check out the stats and slots of newly generated items before you decide which to use!
- Use the forge to smelt ore into bars for crafting!
- In order to utilize a skill such as persuasion, perception, locking picking, crafting, cooking, speaking to animals, etc. Only 1 person in your party needs to have the skill for it to work! They will automatically perform the action without you telling them to do so! So you can have a designated cook, weapon crafter, lock picker, etc. However if that person leaves your party… I don't know what to tell you… learn fast (or get them back)!
- There are many decisions that can drastically change the course of the game. Choose wisely! Joining a faction can give you access to unique quests. There are also other rival factions. Do you choose a side? Play double agent (You may risk it all by playing both sides!), choose to fight both sides… or just ignore them all together! All are viable options!
- Death will spawn randomly in the Infinity dungeon! Do not let him touch you!
- Treasure Goblins will spawn randomly in the Infinity dungeon… Catch them! They will drop rare, legendary, and unique loot! There must be a way to get more from him…
- You can sneak up on the treasure goblin! The treasure goblin must have line of sight to be able to see you, which means you can sneak up on him when his back is turned. If you manage to surprise the treasure goblin, he will drop an extra treasure!
- There is much more to the Infinity dungeon than you can possibly imagine!
- Watch out for holes in the ground! You can fall through them in many places!
- Walking lowers down cool down rates for all skills!
- I created a secrets guide that reveals most of the secrets in the game! Close examination of the book will reveal how much love, care, and detail has gone into every facet of the game! The game is so much more complicated and detailed than meets the eye!
- So you are reading this? Good, to access the secret developer room on the outside of the Infinity dungeon, you must know the secret password (the game designers birthday)!
Features yet to come:
And so much more! but they are secret for now...
Story: (Spoiler free, will add more soon)
The world is set in a fantasy setting where a new race of beings have found themselves in the center of conspiracy, intrigue and war. The story follows an unlikely group of heroes that are destined to change the very fabric of reality. Come join them on their quests as they learn more about themselves and the world around them.
Characters: (Spoiler free, will add more soon)
Race: Human (Gin)
Class: Gin Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Human (Gin)
Class: Gin Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Human
Class: Elite Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Alignment: Neutral
Race: Shadow Elf
Class: Shadow Assassin
Alignment: Lawful Good
Download the Demos by using the links in my signature!
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