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JHS905's Poetry Corner


Since I'm an author and I love to write poetry, I've decided to post my poetry on here. Here's my first poem:


Snakes are cool
On a stool
They slither with ease
And they please

Chameleons are great
For their trait
They come in many colors
Like red, blue and green

Turtle are cool
In a pool
It’s a cool dude
As it eats its food

Reptiles are fantastic creatures
Big or small
From long to short
They don’t play any sports

More will come, in time.


Lol those are some funny verses. Turtles are radical though dude! xD


Thanks. They are.

Anyways, here's another poem written by me:


Cats are furry

Which are always in a hurry
They have good eyesight
Even in the dark light
Cats are quick to see
Like a bumblebee
Cats can land on their feet
Which is hard to beat

As always, more will come.


Cyborg Kiwi
You're poems are fantastic, @JHS905!
I must share one I have just made up.

Childhood Memories

Remember when I rolled around,
when I rolled around on the grassy ground?
Oh, a moment to cherish,
before I perish.

Remember when I laughed so hard,
when I laughed so hard in the yard?
Oh, a moment to cherish,
before I perish.

Remember when I fell on my bottom,
when I fell on my bottom... Oh, I've forgotten.
Oh, a moment to cherish,
before I perish.

The time has come,
for memories to go numb,
Oh, one last moment to cherish,
while I slowly fade & perish.

(Sorry, sad poem :()


That's a very interesting poem. I like it. Here's another poem of mine:

Kane (WWE)

He is the big red monster
That rocked Wrestlemania 23
He is the Undertaker’s brother
That he sometimes bothers
He is also the big red machine
That is on the path of destruction
He is Kane
And he will show you pain

More will come!