Hey Rpgmakers :P
Im doing today Skills and one is a bomb, which explodes when the enemy, who has the Bomb, get hitted my Code for the Bombstate is following
I think the target.maxhp is incorrect, but i couldnt find any library which give me all this stuff ?
Like this.isHpEffect() or something similar, what you need to make more advanced Skills :P
Is there a library and whats the issue in my State?
Thanks in advance
Im doing today Skills and one is a bomb, which explodes when the enemy, who has the Bomb, get hitted my Code for the Bombstate is following
<Custom Respond Effect>
if (value > 0 && this.isHpEffect()) {
var hp = target.maxhp * 0.05 * -1
</Custom Respond Effect>
Like this.isHpEffect() or something similar, what you need to make more advanced Skills :P
Is there a library and whats the issue in my State?
Thanks in advance