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Item behaviour help

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hello i'm going crazy with an item i created, its name? "Cobra tooth"
what it does? it instantly kill an enemy...
problem is that the poison is too strong!!! i would like to kill normal enemies, but it instantly kill a 100000 HP boss!
how i can prevent it to kill big bosses?
thanks :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Can we see a screenshot of the item in question? It will be much easier to help you out if we see how you attempted to accomplish this effect.


my screenshot will be in italian,for better understand, i configured the item in this way:

element type= normal
affect=one enemy
usable in=battle screen
speed 0
success 100%
repeat 1
tp gain 0
damage = none
and in the effect window i added:
add state = knockout 100%
hope this will help translate the screenshot..


Praised Adventurer
The reason it's instantly killing everyone is because you are giving them the knockout state, which causes the game to consider them dead. Since you can't set an enemy to resist the knockout state, due to it making them immortal, the way I would go about doing this is to make a new state that acts as the buffer between the item and the death effect. Make it so enemies that you don't want the item to affect resist the new state, then have the cobra tooth, after adding the state, call a common event that checks each enemy slot for the new state and adds knockout to the enemies that have it.

Here are a couple of screenshots to help show what I just tried to explain.

The new state
It's just a blank state, all I did to it was rename it so I knew what it was for.
The item
The only thing I changed from your item was I changed which state it added and told it to call a common event.
The common event
I'm just checking each enemy slot for the state, then killing those who have it


Interesting solution, i think i found another way without using a common event.
i made a new state called KnockoutB, it is a exact copy of the Knockout state..
then i made the boss immune to KnockoutB state... it work but when using Cobra tooth nothing happen, this is what i actually want but nothing is displayed and it leaved you a little bit confused.. with a common event i could add a text telling if the item failed with a particular enemy..
Thanks @Akod


Praised Adventurer
Glad I could help. =)

If you would be so kind as to mark my response as best answer so if someone else was looking on how to do this it would be clear that there is a solution in this thread I would be most appreciative.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm locking this topic due to being addressed and solved if for any reason you would like it re-opened please report this topic.
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