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Irina Academy (In Progress)


Global Moderator
(Progress Percentage Undecided)

Irina Academy is a game I originally planned in VXAce, but have decided to make in MV instead at this stage. I'm working on developing it slowly by myself, but with help from friends at points. Though the graphics and such I'm currently using are primarily built into MV (characters are made in the generator at this stage) I might change them before actual release. I'll be using a lot of spoiler tags to keep things feeling tidy...Early apologies for that.

Note that I'm still debating if the game will be commercial or not. I'm also debating recreating certain terms later to be in Latin, for some reason.

Basic Summary
Erin Lyle thought himself an ordinary and somewhat boring guy- until he was somehow invited on scholarship to the elite "Irina Academy", known for only accepting the brightest and most gifted of students- which he's certain he is not. Once he meets the principal, however, he learns that the term "gifted" doesn't always just imply a genius like he thought. The ancient myth of The Children of the Elements is far more real than he'd ever imagined...

I'm not sure how to rate the game yet, but the following are the warnings as for reasons for the high rating.
1. A lot of mentions of death
2. Mention of rape
3. Mention of Domestic Abuse (mostly emotional, might include physical, not sure)
4. Mention of Alcohol.
5. Plethora of mental health issues.

1. While your primary character will always be Erin, there are about 9 other characters that can join your party once they're unlocked.
2. Though it's not required much in the main storyline, there is planned to be a 'friendship' system, much like dating systems in other games- the closer you become with a character, the more content you'll get to see that you wouldn't otherwise. You can become friends with all playable characters as well as certain NPCs.
3. Depending on which characters are in your party, you will have the opportunity to use Combination Skills. I'm still figuring out how damage will work.
4. Quests will be an intricate part of the game, and help you throughout your mission given to you by the Principal. While some will be mandatory, others won't be- but might lead you to secrets that might just teach you about the truth behind the lore you've been given.
5. Some items are planned to only be usable on certain characters. Some characters also have special passive skills that cause them to be in perpetual states- I'll share that below.
6. Fights can happen anywhere. Though there are dungeons that you'll use to train and push the story along, you might end up challenged by your classmates as well. Keep your guard up!
7. A day/night time schedule. To be decided how it'll work.
-I will add more details here as I think of what to include-

Faces will be included later. I'm not quite ready to post them now.

Erin Lyle: 18. A gentle, kind-hearted and open-minded boy with low self-esteem. Though he sees himself as not-so-interesting, he's been told he has a gift himself- one he has no knowledge of. Will be living on-campus.

Leanne Lyle: 18. Erin's twin sister with a sadistic streak and a sensitivity to sunlight. She won't come in until later in the game, when she joins you as a student. She seems to be related to the lore much like Erin...Will be living on-campus.

Jorda Bailey: 15, Child of the Earth. A girl with a need for order and schedules, she's not very cooperative at times due to being a bit obsessive. She's often seen sunbathing, due to her ability to use photosynthesis. She's the slowest character, with a perpetual "Stuck" state. Lives off-campus.

Ilda Nora: 20, Child of the Fire. A woman with a hot-head and a naturally high body temperature. Though she's a gang leader, she has a strong sense of justice and chivalry. Lives off-campus in a boarding house.

Lyn Rowell: 17, Child of Thunder. A young, spastic girl with an ever-cheerful persona and a lack of an attention span. She's often called the walking battery because she can use the static surrounding her to charge her phone, amongst other things. She lives off-campus with her grandfather and five younger siblings.

Luft Williams: 18, Child of the Wind. An aloof girl that lacks any sense of direction and is always in a perpetual state of being "Afloat". Though she's supposed to be living with her mother and half-brother, she gets lost by being blown by the breeze, and seems to see home as somewhere else.

Vanna Soliana: 22, Child of the Water. Calm and collected, Vanna is always at her best when she's in the water, and she can breathe in it too! Lives off-campus with her parents and two younger siblings.

Keith (possibly to be renamed): Age undecided. Keith is Erin's roommate and supporter. He's a good listener though a bit of a goof at times. He seems to know a lot about what Erin's going through for some reason...

Corona: Age undecided. The student council's president and the school headmistress's granddaughter. Corona knows about Erin's situation and will act as a voice of reason and aid when able. She has a mix of a sweet and sour personality, sometimes kind and sometimes harsh. She lives on-campus in the girl's dorms.

Ian: Age undecided. The student council's vice president and the local conspiracy theorist, Ian also knows about your scenario. He has a lot of advice to offer and is a great tactician, but seems to have a lot of mysteries to him- like how he has classified documents in his room so often...Lives on-campus in the same dorm as Erin.

Iris: Age 50 or so (not fully sure yet). The headmistress that invited Erin to the academy free of charge. A seemingly kind woman with some tricks of her sleeve, no one seems to fully know what she's thinking at any time. Her authority, however, is absolute.

Current Maps
Many are going to be edited, these are just current versions I have uploaded.

Actual Test Screens
-Day and Night + Popup Item Get Test
-Item Categories Test
-General Menu with Time Test

Credits will slowly be updated as I re-read who made certain things I'm using.
LTNGames - Plugins (Including: Core, Item Categories, Time System, Day/Night and countless others I likely will be adding in the future!)
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the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I'm liking what I see although wishes for more content to see.

I'm confused by one thing and I'm sorry if I've read it wrong, but by primary main character... do you mean the other nine characters will also be playable characters... and content?

How heavily are you planning to develop the 'friendship' system? I'm curious because I truly like all kinds of system that involve friendship, karma, and that kind of stuff.

Combining skills... that sounds cool. And of course by combine you do mean combining two spells/skills into one? Or using spells in unison or something like that. I would love to see freeze followed by some shattering spell.

I've got nothing against the characters, but regarding Erin and his sister. How is it that they're so different? One is gentle, kind and the other one is sadistic. Were they raised in different house-holds by different parents?

I feel weird when I see Child of the Earth. Makes me think of that Greek Goddess.
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Global Moderator
I'm liking what I see although wishes for more content to see.

I'm confused by one thing and I'm sorry if I've read it wrong, but by primary main character... do you mean the other nine characters will also be playable characters... and content?

How heavily are you planning to develop the 'friendship' system? I'm curious because I truly like all kinds of system that involve friendship, karma, and that kind of stuff.

Combining skills... that sounds cool. And of course by combine you do mean combining two spells/skills into one? Or using spells in unison or something like that. I would love to see freeze followed by some shattering spell.

I've got nothing against the characters, but regarding Erin and his sister. How is it that they're so different? One is gentle, kind and the other one is sadistic. Were they raised in different house-holds by different parents?

I feel weird when I see Child of the Earth. Makes me think of that Greek Goddess.
Thank you for your input and questions- it helps me think out even further what I want to say/post. Any particular content you want to see? I've been doing a lot of database work lately (making skills and such) but I'm slowly doing more maps too...And I can eventually post the characters' faces later too.

In regards to your questions:
1. When I say "Primary Character" I mean the one you'll always play as. The other nine will be able to be part of your party once unlocked as you see fit, basically. As for 'content'...I'm uncertain what you're asking in that part.

2. My hope (understand, I'm really slow at this stuff so it'll take forever and I might end up seeking help because...I can't program for my life yet) is that the 'friendship' system will play a critical role. You'll be able to boost your friendship level three ways or so: Having the unlocked character in your party to battle with you (kind of like pokemon that way), cutscene choices, etc. The higher your friendship level is, certain things unlock: I'm thinking it'd be nice to have the combined skills require a certain level of friendship with the characters involved, but I'm not sure how that'd work yet. However, it will be required for certain extra content, such as backstories and certain side-quests.

3. I mostly meant combined skills as in using them in unison- you'd need the two specific characters for a given skill in the party to use it. I like your idea of combining two skills though. Could do something with that example, making it so that the "Shatter" skill increases in strength if the character is "Frozen" or something of the sort...

4. The personalities of the characters is partially relative to their elemental alignment. But there is also backstory: While the twins were raised together, Leanne and Erin got very different amounts/types of attention from their parents. Erin, being physically weak and having had health issues, was treated like a porcelain doll and basically kept sheltered as much as possible. Likelihood is it was hard for the parents to agree to let him go to the school, which may be related to why Leanne eventually follows him. Leanne, being not-as-frail by any means besides sun sensitivity, was spoiled like a princess and got to go out a lot. As she's spoiled and wanted even more attention when their parents were focusing on Erin's health at points, her frustration tended to sour her demeanor. Add in her power of darkness, which she came to recognize far before Erin or his family knew about this stuff, and she basically a narcissist that wants all to worship her.

One of the themes in Irina Academy, besides the elemental aspect, is mental health issues and family interaction. There will be some slightly mature content (or mention of, at least), and it actually relates a lot to the character's personalities. For example, Lyn's memory problems are from PTSD mixing with her natural static electricity that managed to short-circuit her brain to some degree. Jorda's solemn and organized personality comes from having a neglectful father with no ability to tend to anything. Ilda's fiery temper is from constant bullying, and while it's not easily noticed, her tendency to obsess over justice and protecting the weak (while being a total tsundere about it) comes from a mixture of that temper and guilt.

I'm not going into too much detail, because I'm lazy right now. But I'll probably post some of the warnings later in the main post....Thanks for reminding me about that!


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Thank you for your input and questions- it helps me think out even further what I want to say/post. Any particular content you want to see? I've been doing a lot of database work lately (making skills and such) but I'm slowly doing more maps too...And I can eventually post the characters' faces later too.

In regards to your questions:
1. When I say "Primary Character" I mean the one you'll always play as. The other nine will be able to be part of your party once unlocked as you see fit, basically. As for 'content'...I'm uncertain what you're asking in that part.

2. My hope (understand, I'm really slow at this stuff so it'll take forever and I might end up seeking help because...I can't program for my life yet) is that the 'friendship' system will play a critical role. You'll be able to boost your friendship level three ways or so: Having the unlocked character in your party to battle with you (kind of like pokemon that way), cutscene choices, etc. The higher your friendship level is, certain things unlock: I'm thinking it'd be nice to have the combined skills require a certain level of friendship with the characters involved, but I'm not sure how that'd work yet. However, it will be required for certain extra content, such as backstories and certain side-quests.

3. I mostly meant combined skills as in using them in unison- you'd need the two specific characters for a given skill in the party to use it. I like your idea of combining two skills though. Could do something with that example, making it so that the "Shatter" skill increases in strength if the character is "Frozen" or something of the sort...

4. The personalities of the characters is partially relative to their elemental alignment. But there is also backstory: While the twins were raised together, Leanne and Erin got very different amounts/types of attention from their parents. Erin, being physically weak and having had health issues, was treated like a porcelain doll and basically kept sheltered as much as possible. Likelihood is it was hard for the parents to agree to let him go to the school, which may be related to why Leanne eventually follows him. Leanne, being not-as-frail by any means besides sun sensitivity, was spoiled like a princess and got to go out a lot. As she's spoiled and wanted even more attention when their parents were focusing on Erin's health at points, her frustration tended to sour her demeanor. Add in her power of darkness, which she came to recognize far before Erin or his family knew about this stuff, and she basically a narcissist that wants all to worship her.

One of the themes in Irina Academy, besides the elemental aspect, is mental health issues and family interaction. There will be some slightly mature content (or mention of, at least), and it actually relates a lot to the character's personalities. For example, Lyn's memory problems are from PTSD mixing with her natural static electricity that managed to short-circuit her brain to some degree. Jorda's solemn and organized personality comes from having a neglectful father with no ability to tend to anything. Ilda's fiery temper is from constant bullying, and while it's not easily noticed, her tendency to obsess over justice and protecting the weak (while being a total tsundere about it) comes from a mixture of that temper and guilt.

I'm not going into too much detail, because I'm lazy right now. But I'll probably post some of the warnings later in the main post....Thanks for reminding me about that!
I'm glad to be of some assistance.

1. Thank you for explaining this. It's just when I read 'Primary Character' I then thought 'Secondary' and so on, and by content I just meant that those characters will be playable too and I'pose content like special quests that would belong to that 'Secondary' character only that you can only do as playing as that secondary character.

2. I see... I think it would be nice to have more cut scene choices, dialogue choices and the like. Combined skills requiring a certain level of friendship sounds interesting, but I agree on how that would work out. It would indeed be interesting if the characters that have been befriended would tell... I suppose some secrets of their past, rumors, or just the general silliness.

3. I have nothing to say except nice!

4. I can't express enough how much I like this concept of personality partially relating to their elemental alignment and backstory too and I can't wait for progress regarding this. I'm loving Lyn's story and how her own power affected her like that! I can't tell you that enough.

And I will be keeping my other eye on this.


Global Moderator
Hehe, I suppose Primary does seem like an off should I change it in the post? Any input on that?

I updated the first post with the warning stuff. Naturally in a spoiler. Do I have too many spoilers?
I'll try posting some of my newer maps (mostly have a floor of a dungeon laid out, though it's kind of weird and bland for now.) soon along with the faces. I have a lot on my to do list, dangit.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hehe, I suppose Primary does seem like an off should I change it in the post? Any input on that?

I updated the first post with the warning stuff. Naturally in a spoiler. Do I have too many spoilers?
I'll try posting some of my newer maps (mostly have a floor of a dungeon laid out, though it's kind of weird and bland for now.) soon along with the faces. I have a lot on my to do list, dangit.
I don't really know what you should replace it with. Player Character perhaps or PC for short? I guess you could just put it as Main Character too.

Honestly, I think having lots of spoilers is a good thing so your first post won't be some amazing tower of text and pictures that will cover the entire world despite how freaky that sounds.

I wish you the best of luck with building your maps and making them magnificent(I always have to rewrite this word 2-3 times. I never get it right the first time! FFS!) and glorious.


Global Moderator
I don't really know what you should replace it with. Player Character perhaps or PC for short? I guess you could just put it as Main Character too.

Honestly, I think having lots of spoilers is a good thing so your first post won't be some amazing tower of text and pictures that will cover the entire world despite how freaky that sounds.

I wish you the best of luck with building your maps and making them magnificent(I always have to rewrite this word 2-3 times. I never get it right the first time! FFS!) and glorious.
I might use PC when I edit it again next time then. While I'm working though...Any advice on what kinds of other things I should post/add? :D


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I might use PC when I edit it again next time then. While I'm working though...Any advice on what kinds of other things I should post/add? :D
I'm not sure I have any advice right now on what you should add. Perhaps if you have custom-art creatures you could make a showcase of 2 - 4 of them? Perhaps an image of the opening scene or whatever you will have for the start of the game? Truly, I'm not sure.
My hope (understand, I'm really slow at this stuff so it'll take forever and I might end up seeking help because...I can't program for my life yet) is that the 'friendship' system will play a critical role. You'll be able to boost your friendship level three ways or so: Having the unlocked character in your party to battle with you (kind of like pokemon that way), cutscene choices, etc. The higher your friendship level is, certain things unlock: I'm thinking it'd be nice to have the combined skills require a certain level of friendship with the characters involved, but I'm not sure how that'd work yet. However, it will be required for certain extra content, such as backstories and certain side-quests.
This would be quite easy with variables and conditional branches, no programming really involved. I worked on something similar back when I made a small Harvest Moon clone that had some dating sim components (considering things like daily move routes, an evented gardening system, time/season/weather system, gift giving and dating system. . . I'm rather familiar with variables lol)

You can even use said variable to determine the dialogue. (In this example, if there are greater than or equal to 50 friendship points, the response is friendlier.

This, of course, can be used to create infinite responses for different points, pretty much. You can easily have like 5 or 6 different responses depending on friendship level. You can also use it to trigger different pictures/cutscenes, determine whether a character will join your party, ect.

This short quest unlocks after you reach 50 friendship points.

As for the battling, at the end of the battle you can always have a conditional branch of if x is in your party, + 10 points like so:

As for the skill, it would be easy to have a certain skill unlock after a friendship level is reached (ie once you get 100 friendship points, x skill is unlocked), though I'm not familiar with combo skills that have two actors combine their power together. That will most likely require a plugin. One the bright side, that seems to be the only thing on your list that would require such and it shouldn't hurt the bank to much just to commission one plugin (it might be a rather complicated one, though, since it involves the battle system).

Anyway, this certainly sounds interesting and I'll follow your project. If you need any more help with figuring things out like above, let me know :D
Something like this just requires being really familiar with the engine, but it's not hard once you figure it out.


Global Moderator
@juptersdaughtr Thank you so much for the information- especially the images to go along with it! I've never fully grasped the system in regards to eventing with variables (I always feel like just naming them and that meaning that's what they're for seemed off, I guess). I'll have to add in the variables now. How did you go about making it so the person knew how much friendship they had overall? I'm curious.

I do have one question. In regards to friendship boost in battle...Any idea how to do it if it's not in a forced battle? Like...Is there a way to use it for any battle at all?

EDITING IN: I updated the first post with testrun screenshots as I'm slowly starting to make sure plugins work. So far I have basically all of LTN's plugins. I'll test others as well later. First...I should really go make a list of which character comes when for eventing...and stuff.
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How did you go about making it so the person knew how much friendship they had overall?
I made a sort meter common event that ran through an option on the menu. It was based off of the friendship log in harvest moon magical melody, which of course I couldn't find a screenshot of. Here is a quick sketch up of what mine looked like:

Like, 500 points = 1 heart. So if you have 1500 points, three hearts will be filled in. I even had their facial expressions change for every heart. If I still had it, I'd send you a picture of the common event for you to copy, but this was about 4/5 years ago and I no longer have it, but the method should work the same. Pretty much each aspect of the scene (back ground, face, hearts) is it's own image and you show them based on variables.

It's easy to program with a common event, though it is conditional branch/variable hell and does require a lot of graphics. But after like 45 minutes, you're done and never have to mess with it again. I mean if you have the extra funds, it would be easier to do all of this with a commissioned plugin, but it can be done (and be done arguably more to your specific tastes) via events. Heck, one project I made the entire menu system out of all events because I didn't like the way the default one or any scripts matched my project's aesthetic. It's entirely possible to do :p

I'm thinking of making a tutorial demo project for a dating sim type game that'll have stuff like this in it...I can't really find any when I search for it

In regards to friendship boost in battle...Any idea how to do it if it's not in a forced battle? Like...Is there a way to use it for any battle at all?
I'm testing for ways to do this right now


Global Moderator
I made a sort meter common event that ran through an option on the menu. It was based off of the friendship log in harvest moon magical melody, which of course I couldn't find a screenshot of. Here is a quick sketch up of what mine looked like:

Like, 500 points = 1 heart. So if you have 1500 points, three hearts will be filled in. I even had their facial expressions change for every heart. If I still had it, I'd send you a picture of the common event for you to copy, but this was about 4/5 years ago and I no longer have it, but the method should work the same. Pretty much each aspect of the scene (back ground, face, hearts) is it's own image and you show them based on variables.

It's easy to program with a common event, though it is conditional branch/variable hell and does require a lot of graphics. But after like 45 minutes, you're done and never have to mess with it again. I mean if you have the extra funds, it would be easier to do all of this with a commissioned plugin, but it can be done (and be done arguably more to your specific tastes) via events. Heck, one project I made the entire menu system out of all events because I didn't like the way the default one or any scripts matched my project's aesthetic. It's entirely possible to do :p

I'm thinking of making a tutorial demo project for a dating sim type game that'll have stuff like this in it...I can't really find any when I search for it

I'm testing for ways to do this right now
If you end up making that tutorial, sign me up to beta or alpha or just in general to your mailing list. But okay...I might have to work on that. Does eventing the menu effect the plugins you use that work with it a lot? I ask because of the Time Plugin I'm using including a clock on the menu (though I can disable it, I just like it there). I like your point though- the more you do yourself without commissioning, the more you can choose things more specifically. For me, I'd probably make a different kind of image than hearts (because it's not really 'dating'...or wasn't meant to be. I wonder if I should make it that? Hrm...). Maybe stars or something? Figuring out the right numbers will take a while. I did setup the variables for each friendship I'm definitive on though. In order of actor. Which also should help me memorize the order my actors are in for when I event with their names x-o
In regards to friendship boost in battle...Any idea how to do it if it's not in a forced battle? Like...Is there a way to use it for any battle at all?
Damn sorry I searched high and low and couldn't find a solution. I even tried multiple plugins but couldn't get anything to work. The only way I found that worked wouldn't allow you to use any 'escapes' from battles (something about how escapes process events I have no idea) unless it gave you the points anyway, in which case the player could easily exploit this.

(because it's not really 'dating'...or wasn't meant to be.
I doesn't really matter, I think. The process is the same, all you have to do is change images and whatnot.

Does eventing the menu effect the plugins you use that work with it a lot?
You shouldn't need to event a menu, I was just saying I did once upon a time to show that you can do a lot of stuff with events.

You can add the love meter thing via a common event run through like yanfly's menu manager easily. Eventing the entire menu is quite the task, especially for an rpg type game (my game was just an adventure ala The Witch's House).

Maybe stars or something? Figuring out the right numbers will take a while.
I'd suggest making this at the end of the game of the game, or at least once you've got the bare bones down. That way numbers will be set in stone and you won't risk having to edit the event.


Global Moderator
@juptersdaughtr Thanks for trying so hard to find one for me! I'll just either comission one or take that out of the equation if necessary- it just seemed like a smart method (but even if I did, it might still be abused by players as I think about it...Since grinding would add character friendship automatically). I might just do what you showed me, and make it set to specific battles- like bosses. I might make some repeatable though, but...Not sure. It's a good set of ideas to look into! :D

I don't use Yanfly's Menu Manager. Is it heavily recommended? Just to be sure. But good to know- I can skip that whole menu eventing thing then. Saves a lot of time (and patience I lack). And good idea on waiting with the meter. Having my ducks in a row is usually a good idea. Being reminded is important >w<
I don't use Yanfly's Menu Manager. Is it heavily recommended? Just to be sure. But good to know- I can skip that whole menu eventing thing then. Saves a lot of time (and patience I lack). And good idea on waiting with the meter. Having my ducks in a row is usually a good idea. Being reminded is important >w<
I would recommend it. It's an easy to use plugin. It also lets you rearrange how things appear on the menu to give it a more custom look.

I'm deciding to make the demo game btw. If there is anything else specific to friendship/variables/eventing, let me know and I'll see if I can figure it out :)

I might just do what you showed me, and make it set to specific battles- like bosses.
I think that's a good idea. Theoretically, a player could max out someone's FP willingly or unwillingly by grinding.