Ethan Daves
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Hello to whomever is reading this. My name is Ethan. I'm 19 and have had a passion for computers and video games since I was 12. Just recently I was able to purchase RPG Maker MV, and have started slowly designing my own rpg. Which is why I'm here. I lack many skills that are needed but with time I'm sure they'll come, and any help from anyone here when needed would be very much appreciated. For instance, I'm not good at sprite editing. I mess up a lot and it turns into colossal mistakes. Like saving with a white background...(don't ask i opened it up in paint like an idiot.) I mostly go by my username, eta235, when talking on forums and video games as it's unique to me and lessens any confusion due to common names. I'm not sure what else if anything I need to say, if I missed something you'd like to know feel free to leave a reply or message me.
I hope you have a wonderful day
Ethan AKA Eta235
I hope you have a wonderful day
Ethan AKA Eta235