- Xy$
- 0.00
Above all things, I am trying to avoid having 1 event that is 100 lines long on 100 different maps, because having to change one of them would spell disaster pretty quickly. For instance, treasure chests. If they draw from a loot table and that loot table is not a common event... welp.
So I am trying to have an input map which can then allow the player to do things in certain maps.
The easiest way I can think of how to do this is to use common events, but I cannot see an easy way to do this because:
This plugin does not yet take variable values into account, but I can see it would be an issue if I wanted to. Right now, I'd have to put a parallel process event on every map that checks for Y being pressed, and if it is pressed, to call common event X.
What if Y changes? Then all the events break.
So I'd like scripts to be able to take variables into account whilst in the engine, but I cannot really see a way to do this very easily - at least, RM doesn't make it intuitive.
If you use Y...
console.log("You pressed Y");
This will bring up a balloon. Ok.
What if I wanted, say, shootButton instead of Y?
(I am assuming at this point I'll be using an inputmapping script that will allow the player to bind Y to shootButton or whatever - I am assuming that if it is really this simple (it never is...) that I'll be able to call a certain variable and it'll check its mapping)
console.log("You pressed Y");
How about calling a common event?
callCommonEventFunctionHere(); + commonEventID
Which of these functions do I actually need?
Thanks ;-;
(Basically I'm trying to set up an ABS-lite but I'd rather avoid repeating events over multiple maps, and just have them all in one place in a few common events if I can!)
So I am trying to have an input map which can then allow the player to do things in certain maps.
The easiest way I can think of how to do this is to use common events, but I cannot see an easy way to do this because:
This plugin does not yet take variable values into account, but I can see it would be an issue if I wanted to. Right now, I'd have to put a parallel process event on every map that checks for Y being pressed, and if it is pressed, to call common event X.
What if Y changes? Then all the events break.
So I'd like scripts to be able to take variables into account whilst in the engine, but I cannot really see a way to do this very easily - at least, RM doesn't make it intuitive.
If you use Y...
console.log("You pressed Y");
This will bring up a balloon. Ok.
What if I wanted, say, shootButton instead of Y?
(I am assuming at this point I'll be using an inputmapping script that will allow the player to bind Y to shootButton or whatever - I am assuming that if it is really this simple (it never is...) that I'll be able to call a certain variable and it'll check its mapping)
console.log("You pressed Y");
How about calling a common event?
callCommonEventFunctionHere(); + commonEventID
Which of these functions do I actually need?
Thanks ;-;
(Basically I'm trying to set up an ABS-lite but I'd rather avoid repeating events over multiple maps, and just have them all in one place in a few common events if I can!)