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In search of freeware


Towns Guard
not sure if this is the right forum but I need legally free, easy to use software to start making my own original assets for mv.

stuff I need to make:
title screens

If anyone can point me in the right direction for any of these, you would be helping me out a lot


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
*Paint tool sai and gimp ;)
If you just wanna pixel you can also use it's really useful there you know. You can make grids and just make the tiles, facesets and co there (i do it like this too). I don't know any god music freeware though but I've been looking for one too XD


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
god music freeware
It might not be "god" but it's certainly free and "good". I'm talking about LMMS. It's cross-platform, open-source and comes with everything you need to get started making music. I've only used it for a very short amount of time so I can't really say much about it but I know that there's a lot of great tutorials out there that teach you how to use LMMS. :)

Edit: Oh, and here you can find a lot of free virtual instruments to go with it. XD


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Lol thank you XD
I actually wanted to write "good" but phone didn't want to and i was to lazy to read what i even wrote, sorry. Thank you, the stuff seems useful and it's just what i need~


Towns Guard
okay... checked out lmms... I don't know the first thing about making music, I realize this now.
no one be concerned but I may disappear for a few days/weeks/eons while I figure this out.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Oh right i paid for it. It's been so long i even forgot about that. But it doesn't cost that much. Better use gimp if you're searching for freeware (cheeks)


Medibang Paint and FireAlpaca are two great programs that are good alternatives to SAI. They're both cross-platform and completely free. They would be good for title screens, battlers and face sets.
For spriting and tiling though, you'll probably want something capable of pixel art. Most programs will work, if you turn Antialiasing off, but or MSPaint will work well if you're on Windows and if you're on a Mac, Paintbrush is a free alternate to MSPaint and works great (it's what I use, personally).
Also, you can search AlternativeTo with filters to find more free programs c:

(Just something to note, if you do use MSpaint, you will need to use another program to make the area around the sprites and tiles transparent. This can be done with any program that has the magic wand tool and has the ability to turn AntiAliasing off while selecting.)


Well since everyone surely mentioned GIMP as the king of free graphical editors, I'll toss out as a free music maker.

Also good to check Giveaway of the Day daily because they many time offer some decent stuff that can be used to make a game. Music makers and video editors are probably the most common though.

(PS- PaintToolSAI isn't actually freeware)


Well since everyone surely mentioned GIMP as the king of free graphical editors
I actually don't like GIMP that much, but I have Photoshop and FireAlpaca(Which is also free, but works better with my tablet) so I'm probably not being all that fair xD
Still, even in the old days of having no money whatsoever, I much preferred to GIMP.
Just my preference, though. GIMP is in its own right a fantastic editor. I just personally don't like it and how it works.

Bizarre Monkey

Wasn't PaintToolSAI supposed to be a product you must buy? ^^"
It alone, while definitely not free, is low range on the market. A one time payment of 50-ish USD if I recall.

If you wanna pair it's capabilities up with Photoshop CS6 or something, though. You're looking at a pretty hefty bill.

Of course there's alternatives. For instance, Photoshop CS2 and older are free now, and if you ain't afraid of a little legal controversy, there's always the yarr harrs, too.

Personally, I don't know anyone who has legally paid the excruciating amount for a legal copy of an up to date version of photoshop, and I know a lot of artists.


I love Photoshop CS6 and would never trade it for anything else, except maybe Photoshop CC xD.
Eheh, same here xD
That's also FireAlpaca for me actually. I got ArtRage and Autodesk something with my tablet, and I bought Clip Studio Paint, but my go-to art program is FireAlpaca. I even prefer it over MediBang Paint, which is the essentially the same program with more brushes and a more Photoshoop-like interface, but the buttons are set up differently for a tablet.
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Haven't heard of FireAlpaca, I'm going to look into that one too! Where do you download it? The website isn't working for me on any browser. :( Just takes me to a blank white page when I click download.
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Haven't heard of FireAlpaca, I'm going to look into that one too! Where do you download it? The website isn't working for me on any browser. :( Just takes me to a blank white page when I click download.
Yeah, it's not all that well-known. SAI kinda overshadows it. I just did an intense search for freeware when I first got my tablet and found it after some time. There aren't as many brushes as SAI, but it's easy to add more.
Maybe check your downloads? A lot of sites have taken me to a white page when downloading, and then it shows up in my DL folder.