Indie Dev

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Just kidding! It's my introduction message!

Hi I just bought RMMV 2 days ago, never had it before never developed a game before, absolutely no experience or skills except i'm 36 years old and that means - I have completed basically every available RPG and JRPG known to the web.

Can't believe how much cash I just blew on assets lol considering I have no idea how to install or use them yet. Hopefully all you clever people can help me out, and when I get a little more skillful I will help out the newer lot just the same.

My first project is called EXODUS : The rise of Jacob.

It's about a young slave boy aboard an Egyptian slave galleon, who after watching his colleages die escapes the ship. With the slavers hot on his trail, he must use intelligence rather than force to evade capture and build up skills and gold. The aim of the game is either to completely escape Egypt altogether by stealing a ship; or if you want a harder challenge, to stay in Egypt and destroy the entire slave galleon fleet thusly freeing all the other slaves.

So far I haven't even touched RMMV it's all designed in my head and on paper :) I am sure I will have thousands of questions when I hit the actual physical making of it. I hope you can all help me out.

In terms of me, I can't really help all that much with RMMV but ... I am highly skilled with Windows computers so technical problems outside of RMMV I can definitely help where it's needed.

Nice to meet you all, feel free to drop me a "hello" on here so I can get to know all the relevent people on here LOL if that isn't you then maybe I will see you on your thread in future.

Thanks! Speak to you soon



Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
We're glad to have you here! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

There are lots of game resources available on this site and lots of people with good technical advice in case you get stuck on something.

Here's my resource page in case you want to keep procrastinating by looking through tilesets instead of building maps:
Thanks! I've got as far as a custom title menu and intro screen, leading to a black screen for name input, then a fade into the first cutscene :) Not bad for half of a week!

Need some plug ins and items for interiors... Will have a leaf through that link you sent now.
[doublepost=1540390244,1540389877][/doublepost]Also I am currently trying to buy the $20 pack, the top one when I click pay then entered the details, it just brings me to my paypal account and seemingly hasn't actually charged me or made the order...

I hate paypal, you should use stripe or anything other than paypal I always have issue with it, now I don't know if it's charged me or not, and I am going to have to fill the entire thing out again :/ What is the problem with it any ideas?

Thanks again, looking forward to checking out the pack, graphics seem nice!

EDIT : I figured it out and bought it sucessfully! The problem is paypal offers the option of paying without logging it, but when you try to use it then it just loops back to the login because you actually can't not log-in when you have an account attached to that email.

How do I download / use this?
Welcome Aboard
Thankyou I appreciate that. I've been stuck on the same unresolved issue since I last posted here though lol I wish I had something more positive to report. What sort of projects have you been working on yourself? I have assumed everybody is an expert here and I am the sole noob :)

I posted the question but I don't think anybody has answered it so far, I wonder if you have some trick up your sleeve I could use? I need an actor to show animations whilst stood still (for instance cracking a whip weapon at another actor without entering battle, as part of an event routine); and so far haven't been able to make it do that...

My maps look like a 5 year old drew them! Lol. I guess i'm still just one week in, and boy does it show.


Towns Guard
What you need is the sample maps just preload them from the menu courtesy of the devs

As for animations all i know is that you can utilize them from the menu

I dont do fancy animations myself however
William the unpro has some tutorials you can use on youtube