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Iconic Battler Contest

Which Battler IS The Most Iconic

  • Iconic Battler Goblin

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Iconic Battler Pink Haired Lady

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
To celebrate our 20,000th member, we are holding an iconic battler contest. Here the rules.

1. If you desire to be a contestant, please contact me through PM. I will update this thread with current number of contestants, and current number of completed submissions.
2. ALL submissions must be PMed to me, MinisterJay.
3. The battler must be human, humanoid or demi-human. What that means it must be something that walks on two legs, and is basically human shaped. This includes, but is not limited to humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, fairies, goblins, orcs, ogres, hobgoblins, brownies, leprechauns, gnomes, werewolves, etc. If in doubt, please feel free to PM me. If I agree that it fits, I will add it to the list.
4. It must be a previously unpublished battler.
5. The battler must not be an RTP edit or any other work's edit.
6. The submission acceptance will end on Friday June 2, 2017 @ approximately 0800 hours CST.
7. I will put all submissions on the same thread, artists remaining anonymous, and there will be a week to vote on them.
8. I, personally will exempt myself from voting, as I will know who all of submissions were made by.
9. Image guidelines listed below. Minimum size 100X100 pixels and Maximum size 400X400 pixels. It should also be non-Chibi styled.

Image guidelines:

I have found the best battlers are sometimes universal battlers. Those that can be used in both Side-View (SV) and Front-View (FV) battles.

The typical RTP Chibi-style SV_Actor is 64X64 pixels, but the humans sized enemies are typically around the 200X200 pixel size. RTP often uses the same battlers for SV and FV.

We do not want the images to be too small, so for this contest, small demi-human beings like fairies should not be smaller than 100X100 pixels, and humanoid creatures like ogres, should not be larger than 400X400 pixels.


Iconic Battler Goblin.png and Iconic Battler Pink Haired Lady.png


Iconic Battler Goblin.png Gold IBC.png By @sage

Iconic Battler Pink Haired Lady.png Silver IBC.png By @CT_Bolt

NOTE" Edited typographical error. Friday is the 2nd, not the 5th.
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Staff member
This is a cool idea. I like it.

What will happen to the resources once the contest is over?
Will they be left to the owners to decide? Or, perhaps, put into a contest pack that is free for everyone to use?


Staff member
Or, perhaps, put into a contest pack that is free for everyone to use?
Sage, you hit exactly what was thinking. It would be nice to have a contest pack that had the winners of this and the other contests that are happening or will be happening.

I would hope that the contest contributors for this contest would be open to have their works available for any to use, with appropriate artistic crediting.


Staff member
Sage, you hit exactly what was thinking. It would be nice to have a contest pack that had the winners of this and the other contests that are happening or will be happening.
It would be. It's a good way to get people to show off their works and share it with the community. It would result in good resource content for everyone.


Staff member
There is less than 24 hours to send me your Iconic Battler Contest submissions.


Staff member

Here are our two Iconic Battlers.

Iconic Battler Goblin.png and Iconic Battler Pink Haired Lady.png

Please vote for the most iconic battler, in opening post.


Staff member
Congratulations to the Gold Medal Iconic Battler Contest goblin artwork by @sage .
Congratulations to the Silver Medal Iconic Battler Contest pink haired lady by @CT_Bolt .

I will be working on your badges this weekend.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
Thanks for the contest. (cool)(thumbsup) Looking forward to the next ones, hopefully with more competitors too. (wink)

This was my first battler, had fun making this & learned numerous techniques.
I feel like I could do much better now & have been inspired to possibly attempt to make more now. (cute)
@sage Awesome job on the Goblin. Very detailed! (icecream)

PS. Thanks for the badge. (jolly)
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