My game is about a guy named noble and his adventure with his team (Kiara, Dexter and Jessica) to find the demon that killed their other friend (Adrian)
What do you think about: "Demonslayers" ??
I think with a name like this it projects the idea that the main characters are out to kill a demon. The why and how can be explained in the game play.
I think if you take the "S" off the end, it would signify that only the main character is important, but by added the "S", you tell the reader that the story is about a group of people as well as the task at hand.
If you like the title, you could further explore it by putting in subtitles if needed.
An examples could be ==> Demonslayers: The Dusk Awakening
Demonic Vengeance , sounds good I suppose , considering your short description.
I like this title, but in my opinion it assumes the demon will be taking its revenge instead of the players taking revenge on the demon. This could be misunderstood if only the title was presented to someone.